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Thoughts & Inspiration

Another great video that Seth did while we were in Dallas together:

Yesterday I began a series of interviews with Andrew Shearman.
For some strange reason, it helps us to know that those we look up
to have struggled in the same we  struggle.  There’s a mechanism in us
that is always comparing our experience with others.  It’s how we
calibrate our perceptions; it’s how we recognize what “normal” is.

So when Shearman, a man I look up to, talks about having come to
the end of himself, somehow I’m encouraged.  I think, “Hey, here’s a
man who has it all together, yet, it didn’t play out so easy or
wonderful for him.  Maybe there’s hope for a guy like me.” Can you
relate to that?  If others struggle, then if you feel like you’re
floundering, maybe you’re not such a chump after all.  Maybe you and I
still have a shot.
We had this and a series of conversations (that I’ll post next week) at a hotel in Dallas.