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Thoughts & Inspiration

My dad (that’s him pictured below) always taught me that God looks at our lives at one
time. When He looks over us, He always will see our whole lives at the same
time. He sees us at age five, 15, 30, and 50.

He gets the whole picture all the
time – that is why He can discipline us, bless us, love us unconditionally,
and even bring judgment into our lives, at times.

He doesn’t get shaken when we are
stupid, when we sin, and He doesn’t overreact when we are “holy,” perfect in our
own eyes, because He knows what’s coming!

Sunday morning, we had an amazing church service as a family here in Swaziland.
In fact, it was the most powerful breakthrough we have had yet in Africa!

We went through Luke 6
and talked about our prayer lives and how Jesus, looking at His disciples, the
guys that He would build His Church on, gave them the “Beatitudes.”

Those that
are poor in Spirit, those that are hungry for God, those that will weep and get
in the dirt with the broken-hearted and weak, those that are made fun of for
doing “stupid” things for Christ – those are the people that will inherit the
Kingdom of God!

Those people that are comfortable, satisfied with their
Christian life, not willing to go, those that do nothing to be persecuted – they
are the ones to whom Jesus will say, “Depart from Me, I never knew you.”

(Continued tomorrow…)