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is one of my favorite people in the world! Sean just got home from doing the
World Race. Pray for these kids, God is up to something very big!

Home Video by Sean Smith on 5/7/2008

World Race Final from Sean Smith on Vimeo.

Journal Entry from 5/5/07

I stand on solid ground refusing to go back to my old ways! How do I sustain this path? I guess much like how I sustained the other path; by the choices I make so shall be my reward of course. My reward is Him, God. I pray that God hears the oath of my heart. The oath that my lips cannot utter, nor will I try.

in my past I have defiled my mouth by speaking lies with my tongue and
speaking oaths before I understood the gravity of those oaths. God knows the oath of my heart and the purity from where it derives it meaning and purpose. My heart has yet to be defiled and has been made pure through the blood of my living God Jesus.

“Hear my oath, oh God – for I am yours!”

“There is a rhythm, a rhythm that belongs only to you. It has been playing my whole life. When I stumble across it I can look around and everything is made clear. The
air seems fresh, the lighting is perfect, and everything is in its
place, even what others perceive to be out of place I find you there. I find peace there and I find life there!

“I hear your rhythm O God! I hear the song of my life. How
beautiful it is- beauty that nothing else can touch- I could listen to
this tune all the days of my life- for I have found it again and it’s
just as sweet as the day I was born! I will follow it where it leads. I am yours and you are my prize. This rhythm is real and authentic, nothing like I ever heard but I’ve always known. It is THE truth, THE way, and THE life.”

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” —Proverbs 16:9

3 responses to “God is up to something with this generation”

  1. I can so relate to Sean’s video. I want to share with the whole world about what I saw and did and heard in Swaziland…but trying to put it in concise words is just overwhelming at times…even 3.5 months later I still haven’t gotten my mind wrapped around it. And still wondering where God’s going to take it.

    Praying for Sean as he says “what now” and tries to adjust to “normal” here in the States.

    By His grace,

  2. P.S. Please let Sean know that I’m going to be sharing this at my blog. More need to hear. More need to GO!