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We have hit entertainment and abortion as “Generation Killers” that we must take responsibility for as the Church. We have entertained this generation into numbness and have spiritually aborted millions of “Calls and destiny’s”; remember – the natural always follows the spiritual.

The “Generation Killer” I get most kick-back on, the one that literally makes parents angry with me, some violent; the “killer” that most adults will not accept is Dating.

Dating has “Killed” more youth groups in America then any other issue! I have been the pastor of a few youth groups, lead international youth ministries and discipled thousands… every time we would gain momentum; kids praying, fasting and moving as one in the spirit – we would hit this wall called dating!

One person starts going out with another and then of course, they break up. What do you think happens to the unity of a youth group when two teen-agers hate each other? Groups of girls rally for their friend – boys gather around their buddy and the spiritual momentum is gone. One body, moving as one in the spirit, gone.

This may not seem like a big deal to you at all… I know it doesn’t to most because of the resistance I get from parents on this. However…

The fruit of dating is divorce. The mentality develops that says, “I go out with this one for a while, try this one out; give my heart and emotions to someone that has NO right to have them”… young people, it’s not enough to be a virgin when you get married, you cannot even give your emotions away! So, when I get married; when things get tough, I am out… the 67% divorce rate in the Church should wake you up!

We set high standards for our own boys and the ones we disciple. You are not allowed to enter a woman, with your tongue or anything else, until she is your wife! When you are in your 20’s and possibly find that person God has saved for you; you will call and ask permission of their father to hold her hand or for that first kiss.

Our girls know they are protected and covered because of the same standards. Church, raise the bar for this generation and start bringing life, not death! We are their parents before we are their friends…