
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Continued from Saturday’s blog.

Lisa and I have our four teen-agers in the house, our 11 and 6 year old and ALL of their friends! On top of that we have a bunch of 20 something’s that have moved here to be discipled after the World Race… let me just say, it is a very busy house and the grocery bill is scary!!

We love it and would have no other way – they teach us a great deal about life and how their generation thinks and we teach them how you limp thru as a parent just trying to get it right! Community living with our natural, blended and spiritual kids; I feel a good book coming…

As I mentioned in my last blog, entertainment is one of the ways we are killing this generation; iPods, computers, cable t.v., iphones; they have 24 hour access to information, pornography, video’s, etc. In our Church’s we have taught them to two extremes;  Either show NO emotion and sit there, don’t embrace the fullness of God, what He has for us and what He expects – or, if you don’t feel it, if your not emotional, if you don’t speak in tongues, it’s not God. We have made them bored or overemotional and taught them it is about them some how… this generation reeks of narcissism.

Another, more intense “Generation Killer” is Abortion. Abortion has stolen more of this generations’ brothers and sisters then anything else in history. Why do we have this murder and why does it continue? The natural always follows the spiritual.

In the 90’s I held hundreds of conferences with my ministry called Rock The Nations; countless parents, business people, pastors, etc would come to me at the end of the conference and say the same thing – “I love what you are doing with this generation; I was called as a young person to go to the nations, to give my life to something bigger. When I went to my pastor, parent, leader they always said the same thing; stay here, go to school, get a job and maybe go later”.  Their own parents were consumed with fear, and religion, wanting them to be successful in world terms, more than life.

When I would take the time to go deeper, I would always find the same theme – pastors, youth pastors trying to build their own little kingdom; wanting, needing the big numbers so they looked good and had a bigger gathering. (I was rebuked by many pastors who said I was “Stealing” from their congregations when I would ask the kids to come get discipled or go with us to the nations)! Our only motivation was to send them back to their local church and community better, stronger, and greater. 

We as the Church have aborted millions of people’s “Destinies” and “Calls” for our own selfish reasons… Many of these that were called are sitting in cubicles all around America, dying a very slow death; I personally know hundreds. When we can stop being what Paul calls “Teachers” and become “Fathers”, and stop spiritually aborting our own, I believe, with all my heart, we can stop physical abortion in our land…