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Just a preview of the other part of the brochure for G42, our new ministry in Swaziland. We’d love your feedback! This is continued from G42 Training Initiative Brochure:

Leadership Initiative

Do you believe that
leaders are born or made? What if you could learn the secrets of decision-making,
conflict resolution, team-building, and balance for your future. What if you
could speed up the process?

Following is an

overview of the G42 Leadership Initiative (that has been used for

Fortune 500 Companies in the USA):

*myths and realities of leadership *negative
thinking and how to break free

*building respectable relationships

*art of managing relationships

*how to understand your own behavior

*how to set personal boundaries

*how to develop and execute a vision

*how to establish and achieve goals

*how to manage conflict

*living a balanced life, and what will be your

will also focus and grow in the following life domains: physical, intellectual,
family and marriage, financial, social, spiritual (you will receive extensive theological, orphan caretaking, and church-planting
training), vocational, and how to integrate these domains into a balanced

Students may take the opportunity to participate in IDM’s courses: Business Management, Human
Resource Management, Information Management, or Public Administration, as many
of them are accredited under the Botswana Training Authority.

2008 Schedule & Topics

Our weekly schedule will include corporate times of
prayer, physical activities, acts of services with local businesses, and
community ministries.

During the first two months:

* Relationships & Character

* Corporate Prayer

* Servant Leadership

* Self identity

* G42 mindset

During the extended portion of the

* Transformational Leadership Development

* Missions and Ministry today

* The how to’s of business and ministry

* Apply what you’re learning with a local business or ministry

* Developing a personal leadership

* Executing your life call

We will be utilizing both local
and international business and ministry professionals.

will be spent each month in South Africa,
as well as a weekend at Kruger
National Park.

G42 Training Initiative is a program with an initial two month trial
period. We will invite people to continue in their training with us half-way
through the first two-month session. If it is determined that the G42 Training
Initiative is not the best fit, we will help to find the place that will be
more suited for the participant’s growth and fulfilling the specific purposes
for his or her life.

For those asked to continue the training, we will have an additional
four months of extensive and transformational leadership and vocational
training. At the end of the six months, you will apply all that has been
imparted, and pioneer the dream that is in your heart! Church-planting,
business, orphans… It’s time to take the land.

Fees & Additional Information

Our desire is to be an
international training center. In order to do this, we have created a scale to
determine fees. Fees are based on nation of origin.

more information about IDM, go to their website at

All donations for G42 can
be made on the website (,
and donations for Gary & Lisa Black can be made on their blog site (
Just lick on “Support Me” on the left.

One response to “G42 Training Initiative Brochure, Pt. 2”

  1. Gary,Would you be interested in taking the G42 project outside of Africa in the future?Maybe a Carribean based location.