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couple weeks ago, we found a baby, and a World Race team decided to
temporarily “adopt” him (at the request of the mother who was dying of
AIDS) and nurse him back to health. Unfortunately, the baby died. It
crushed the Racers, but they’re seeking the Lord amidst this tragedy. A
few days ago was the baby’s funeral. Here’s a look into that day:

From Traci:

eyes welled with tears as I carried the tiny little coffin toward
Pelile’s house. It was around nine and nearly impossible to find her
house in the dark. After wandering for a bit, we finally found it. Some
go-gos (grandmas) were staying with her, and she and the kids were
already asleep. Pelile and Siphiwe woke and sat up when I came in. I
knelt and set the coffin down on the mat next to Pelile. I leaned over
to give her a hug and kiss on the cheek and she immediately began to
cry. Though she does not understand English, I said, “I am so, so
sorry,” and began to rub her back. Her pitiful whimper cut through me,
and I could barely hold in my own sounds. I sat silently with tears
streaming down my face. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt so helpless.
When her cries faded, we quietly left.

we were a few yards from the house I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I
let out my sobs and let my body shake with the emotion I had been
holding in. I calmed myself down enough to get in the car, but tears
flowed easily on the quiet drive home. I wouldn’t wish this feeling
upon anyone.

Early the following morning we went to the funeral. Most of the
adults from the community were there. The women stayed with Pelile at
the home while the men went to the burial site and prepared the plot.
In the canopy outside the house we held a short ceremony in which Seth
spoke and the women sang some traditional SiSwati songs.

The go-gos brought Pelile and the coffin out, and after one more
song, we began the long walk to the cemetery. Pelile sobbed the whole
way there, and eventually grew too week to walk further. Seth carried
her in his arms for a while, and when she became too heavy, a go-go put
her on her back and carried her the rest of the way. The women sang the
entire walk.

When we arrived at the site, the women continued to sing while the
men finished preparing the plot. At points Siphiwe cried on me or
Krystle and it broke my heart even further. Seth spoke briefly again,
and then they invited everyone else to share. One or two Swazi’s spoke,
then Molly, and me. Knowing my emotional state, I waited as long as I
could to stand, but one of the go-gos I worked with pointed me out, and
I stood. At first I couldn’t say a thing. I stood there with so many
eyes on me while I sobbed. After a few moments, I began to talk about
how much the family has impacted me and how grateful we were to share
in the life of Moses. I don’t recall everything I said, I just spoke
what was on my heart.

These have been the toughest days on the race. Never did I think I
would face death on a personal level…and certainly not to this extent.

From Seth, Jr.:

“God what do you want me to tell these people?”

“Tell them I love them,” he said.

“Will you give me a scripture to help?”

“Ephesians 6:19,” he said. It reads, “Pray also for me, that
whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will
fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.” God wanted me to tell
them that his will is a mystery to us.

hour later I stood under a makeshift tent in front of those congregated
for the funeral to speak about the infant. The mother, Pelile, sat in
the dark house whimpering with the mourners. I told them God was
watching them now and mourning with them. He loves them and knows their

Pelile has tuberculosis and AIDS. She walked frailly, bracing
herself between two women. We stopped to look at the coffin and cry
periodically. Eventually Pelile stopped completely, physically unable
to continue. I asked if it were acceptable to carry her on. She dropped
into my arms as I bent to pick her up. She put her head on my chest and
whimpered gently, almost as if she didn’t have the strength to cry. The
mourners continued singing.

It wasn’t long before I couldn’t carry her anymore. There were no
more men, so one of the women put Pelile on her back and we continued
walking. They asked me to say something more so I told them about the
stories being read about this baby around the world. I told them people
like you would do something to help them. Don’t let me down.

* * * * * *

“This tragedy happens so frequently on the other side of the
world. Children like Moses don’t have to die like this. My prayer is
that in his death, Moses will bring life to other orphans like himself.” (Seth Barnes)

Click here to give a gift in memory of Moses, and choose “Nsoko Project” to help prevent situations like this from happening in the future.

If you want to give more than money, why not give yourself and join the World Race? Click here to see if you have what it takes to be part of a generation that will rescue other children like Moses before it’s too late.

4 responses to “Funerals for babies?”

  1. Gary – Oh Dear Jesus , have pity on all of us and help us .
    You talked to me about a million orphans….A

  2. Team Ignite are people who will never be the same! To continue to pour out when you’re gut wrenched and your heart is ripped out, builds something in to you that changes God’s servant forever. I just think that He who sits on His Father’s throne, stands to get a better view of stuff like this! What an amazing, mysterious, sacred thing! xo

  3. Gary

    I have followed this story from the beginning. My heart is overwhelmed.. God be merciful to us in our comfortable world. Your daily blogs have both challenged and blessed me this past year..
    Thank you Gary/Lisa and the Black tribe..

  4. Gary my thought and prayer are constantly with you and your family and the others working for the Lord in Swazi. Thank you so much for being faithful and updating your blogs i appreciate them so much. Thank you so much for not being afraid and answering the Lords call.