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Thoughts & Inspiration

This is a pastor I
serve with here in Swaziland… he is on staff with
me full time now and helping me with our Children’s Villages, the leadership
school and life!

Our plan from the very beginning of moving to
Africa was to find godly,
amazing local pastors to take on the work when it is time for us to move on… I
have found a true friend and someone that will take what we are doing here much
further then we could of every hoped to do!

He gave me this
prophetic word today; I have to believe it!

My pastor,

Thank you once again for the hand of fellowship you and
your family have extended tome and my

We are praying for you guys and please rest as much as
you can. I have been researching and fine tuning some ministry things this side
and I can’t wait to share them with you. Radio has been so rewarding and people
are missing you.

Prophetic Word

2007 has been a year of rest,
a sabbatical year. It has been a
year that you wanted so much to do
things for God but to your surprise no
much breakthrough was
realized. Instead of showers of blessing,
there were mercy drops.

Most of the time you felt like you were just getting by,
just making it. Most of the dreams you
had were looking to become disappointments. In the midst of all these, the peace of
God has remained with you. You wondered
why and it is the only reason you stuck around instead of giving up. You have done it a
hundred times in your mind but your heart has
remained steadfast.

It was a year of rest and finding a new
direction. 2008 is a year of taking strides in your
personal, family and ministry
life. This is a leap year. God the Almighty says you will leap into your blessings. You wont
struggle for anything, you will take a great leap-you
are jumping into your
destiny. What you will accomplish this year will even surprise you. You will wake up in the morning to realize that what you were thinking while in bed is becoming a reality.

You will
speak and things will fall into
place. This year you will operate in the fourth dimension. Nothing physical will
stand in your way. Not even yourself will stand in the way of the signs and wonders
that God will wrought through
you. Doors will open in the east, west,
south and north. You will excel in all that
you do and be a marvel to watch.

As the
year come to a close you will look back and
say, “Look What the Lord Has Done.”

6 responses to “From Grace to Grace: A prophetic word”

  1. That was a great word, one I believe. Stand fast look to God, and he does direct your paths. I love you all Mom

  2. Gary,

    This is not only a word for you, but for others. I decided to check your site today (1/4), and all I can say is, this was just like God Himself telling me to my face these things, it is SO accurate in every way. Halfway through reading the word the tears just came (I am having a hard time writing this right now). It is a word for us to remember that God has not forgotten us, even though some of us have for the most part forgotten Him.

    I am sharing this encouraging and uplifting word with as many as I can. It is starting to rain – the River is rising brother.

    Amazing Grace in your face,
    (I served in AIM Leadership last year while you were there)

  3. i feel it too that is god he is all by himself no trying to figuire it out just walking in it

  4. Word! This was very encouraging and should be embraced by all who receive your updates, as they face the prospects of 2008 and reflect on the peaks, valleys and events of 2007. You added fuel to my fire today and inspired me for tomorrow!

  5. C’mon Church! What a great word of encouragement. May you have “grace to abound” in every good work! (2 Cor 9:8) We love you!