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As I have written before – my life scripture is Malachi 4:5-6 “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.”  

Parents will turn their hearts, not just to their own kids, but to a generation; kids will turn their hearts back with honor, understanding what it means to come under and trust authority and the “Spirit of Elijah”, (meaning a double-portion), will cover a generation.

I believe that revival is offered to every generation – and part of my responsibility is to turn my heart toward each one as a “Father in the Spirit” until that generation is released!

My life has patterned that… in the mid 90’s my dad and I were ordained together at New Life Church. As we were standing on stage and the pastor of New Life at the time was ordaining the two of us, a wind from God came in the auditorium… people began to weep, rejoice and even shake from the Holy Spirit – God was turning the heart of my dad to me and my heart toward him…

In 2000 my dad and mom had the opportunity of doing Lisa-Marie and my wedding. They married us, blessed us and asked for a double-portion anointing on our marriage. (we got it)!

Sunday night Lisa and I had the amazing opportunity of doing the ceremony of renewing my parent’s vows. 50 years of marriage and as a son that has had his parent’s heart turned towards him, I was able to turn my heart back in a symbolic way and honor my parents.

I have know idea what is next; but, I believe the curse has been broken. The last word of the Old Testament shows the curse still persisting – the first words of the New; Matthew 1:1 “with Him who came to remove the curse” – as we model turning our hearts, freedom and revival will come…