
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We left Colorado Springs in March last year… this year long journey has brought a lot of emotion – a lot of tears, loneliness, excitement, fear, overwhelming joy, thankfulness, wondering, disgust, hate, deeper love then we have ever known, humility, revelation…

The day-to-day in your face poverty, rape, tragedy – facing the reality that many people place NO value on life – alone, afraid some, watching my children, my wife in despair at times, missing their family, wondering what all their friends are doing back home. There were times over this past year when there was no vehicle to drive, when money was so short we were not sure how we would get around, when that thought of going to serve again, in the hot sun, when nobody seemed to care was too much – times we asked God if we missed it some how by coming…

I began to list in a letter today all that God has done, despite us, over the past year; A radio show that reaches 2.4 million each week, “I AM” boxes that give the underprivileged kids here value, the “Children’s Village”, the first G42 African church plant with Pastor Gift, a fully staffed medical clinic, hundreds of acres of land donated for orphans, preaching and ministering to thousands all over South Africa and Swazi, training hundreds of young missionaries almost every month, a work that we get to carry on through all the generations of “Blacks” to come!

But, the most amazing part of this past year is the relationships – how can you place a price? I could list hundreds of people here that have touched our lives in so many ways… He promised Lisa and me that He would raise up local African families to carry what ever we started – He has. They will do it bigger and better then we could have ever dreamed!

And then I look at my family. They have seen through the eyes of poverty, destruction, hopelessness, rage,joy, life that they never knew or could have known existed.

You couldn’t pay me enough or place a price on what we have seen; touched and walked… not one of us would trade this past year for the world… thank you for being such an important part of building a new legacy… forever broken, forever African!

6 responses to “Forever Broken, Forever African!”

  1. You are the closest link I’ve had to “boots on the ground”, since I was on the African continent in 1973. Thanks for representing the love of God once again, in such a powerful way!

  2. Your mother and I first stood on African soil 25 years ago when you were about 16, in the many trips that followed we did not imagine that you, your wife and family would one day be there and witness what you have, from the power of Jesus to the monstrous deeds of Satan. It is most Christian parents dream to raise up children and grandchildren who will with all of their hearts follow Jesus and spiritually change the course of people and continents, you have more than fulfilled our dreams. We are so proud of you, Jesus is even more so.

  3. Gary – Your Dad said it for us ! Generations to come will bless the Lord because of you all.Soon . xo A.

  4. Love you Gary…the world of the Kingdom is upside down..we lose our lives to gain it. In many ways, this has come to pass in your lives. The DNA of the spirit, that God wanted to download in you, Lisa and your children, is now activated…is now alive…and will continue to produce fruit for years to come…in Africa and abroad. I am proud to call you friend…miss you like crazy..and cant wait to hold your face between my two hands…look into your eyes, the window to your soul and see what you have seen! You are my hero! Love you – D =)