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From Floyd McClung’s blog, continued from yesterday:

Church can best be
summarized for me in the words of Jesus from Matthew 18: “Where two or three are
gathering in my name, there I am in the middle of them.”

Not just one day a
week. Not for two hours on that one day. Not in a holy building…but all week
long. Everywhere we go. Spread out. Engaging people’s lives. Making a difference
to those who have not come to faith in Jesus. Serving those less fortunate than

Doing church
differently does not mean we wander aimlessly through life with no direction or
purpose. And it does mean being intentional about investing in people, gathering
people, and obeying Jesus commands. Doing church differently involves living our
lives full time for Jesus and his kingdom. No matter what our vocation might be.
We are all called to make disciples in the vocations and through the passions
God has called to.

On Wednesday last
week, I sat with Nash and some local school officials and a business friend from
the States. We discussed how we could serve the community and the school by
building a community sports center and soccer/football field on the school
grounds. We all agreed we had to do this. 52% of the high school youth of Ocean
View use Tik, or what we would call crystal meth. It is a dangerous, addictive,
destructive drug.

As we met last
Wednesday, Muslims and Christians, businessmen and sports enthusiasts, All
Nations representatives and parents, we were collaborating to impact the youth
of Ocean View and rescue them from the drug dealers and broken homes in the

To me, it was
church. There is more to it than that. But at it’s core, we were obeying the
great commission and the great commandment. That’s what church is about.

I invite you to do
the same. If you want help, check out my latest book, co-written with Larry
Kreider. It is titled Starting a House Church, and is published by Regal in the
USA. It is available on Or listen to the some of the free audio
messages about simple church on our website, You can
download them as an MP3 if you wish.

Yours for doing
church differently,

Floyd and Sally