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From Floyd McClung’s blog:

I have gone through a metamorphosis in my understanding of church in the last few years. The best way to illustrate the change in my understanding is to tell you about our involvement with Nash Sports Academy and the youth of Ocean View.

Nash and Joann Booysen are co-workers with us in Ocean View, a community of 35,000 people. Actually, the truth be told, we are working with Nash, not the other way around. Nash heads up a sports academy and Joann, his wife, leads a day care program. Their passion is reaching the children and youth of Ocean View.

Nash and Joann do church all week long. Nash and his assistants and the volunteers from All Nations who work with him coach thirteen sports teams. They mentor the young people, build friendships with them and visit them in their homes – in short, they impact their lives.

On Friday nights a group of kids from the community gather in Nash and Joann’s home for worship and Bible study. We meet on Wednesday nights in four other homes with those who are seeking to know more about what it means to know Jesus. We are doing church during the day with the youth of the community, and at night in people’s homes who are coming to faith in Christ.

Is this not how Jesus did church? He was with ordinary people all week long. He was involved in their lives. He “gathered” those who wanted to know more. He built community with them. He invested in their lives. He spoke truth to them. He was a source of life for them.

Continued tomorrow…