
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

How are you dealing with the crises going on around us? I talk and council people almost daily right now that work in the Finance world and/or are losing a lot of money that are not happy!

The last couple weeks I have received calls about funerals that have to be attended because another person couldn’t handle the stress – the fear – what about the future… it is real and people are scared!

The Lord taught Lisa and I a very important lesson many years ago – no matter how bad it looks – your bank account does not dictate your life.

Like many that work with orphans, the poor and build up the “Kingdom” around the world; we live on support. People that believe in the vision God gave us for “Children’s Villages” in Africa, raising up the next generation thru the World Race and AIM etc, give to us each month as our salary. (We also try and work other jobs in-between travel), but our main source is God thru a few that believe in us…

As money comes in, the very first thing we do is sow it back into the kingdom of God – we tithe to the storehouse or the place/people that are spiritually feeding us and we give our “First Fruits” to help a single mother in Africa with her education and living – Pastor Gifts Car so he can serve our 9 care points and to help continue to feed the orphans of Nsoko…

The Lord woke me up the other night; there was not enough money to pay everything and the question He asked me was, “did you send your “First Fruits”? It was 3:00 am and I knew exactly what He was expecting… my obedience, my trust. I went into the computer and, in faith once again, sent it off…

In Church on Sunday the foundation of the message was – “live below your means and give extravagantly – those are the only people that will make it thru!” Lisa and I try and live that way and believe that is what the Lord is calling the Church of America back to.

Remember – God is still on the throne and He always has an answer… it’s us!