
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Lisa and I have been in Manila, Philippines the past few days… the travel internationally is a killer, but I am very impressed with the layover we had at the Seoul airport; I have not been there in over a decade and it wasn’t the best place to have a layover; one circle around the gates with very few places to sit. Now there are showers, lounge chairs, free internet, it’s very nice – these little things make ALL the difference in the world!

We are launching 51 young missionaries that will travel the world the next 11 months. They have said “Yes” to the Lord and left a comfortable American lifestyle to try and find God thru the eyes of the widow and orphan of the earth… I am not sure you can find those eyes any other way, but by answering the call to “Follow Me”…

It is exhausting. We have preached, taught, ministered and counseled for 12 + hours each day in very humid weather, but it is the very thing that keeps us “Fully Alive”. We are humbled to serve this generation.  

Watch this team as the follow God’s heart – October WR Team – and as they continue to live what the bible actually says; the way they see things will never be the same.

5 responses to “Find those eyes…”

  1. Gary – well done Mate to you and Miss Lisa . It`s all a privilege and honor to seek to raise a generation to its fullness! Stay strong in the Lord and the Power of HIS might! xo A.

  2. Sorry we couldn’t be there to shoulder this launch with you guys. Praying.
    Kathy and Michael