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A letter from a World Racer who was called to fast for Swaziland. The Lord is raising up young intercessors like Brady all over the world to pray and fast for the nation and see the kingdom come. Continued from Fasting for a nation, Pt. 1:

The next morning (day 6) Elizabeth came to my tent. She said that last
night she felt called to fast for me to have strength. She thought that
was silly and she would just be fasting to be nice because she felt bad
for me. She argued with God for a little while, and he reminded her of
Ecclesiastes 4:12: “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend
themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

She went to
bed thinking the conviction to fast would go away in the morning. When
she woke up she still felt God calling her to fast for me to have
strength. So, she’s now fasting. It amazes me how when I’m at the end of myself
God doesn’t allow me to give up but puts someone alongside of me to
pray and fast for me. I’ve been really encouraged through her.

Right now it’s almost 3pm on day 6. I’m still exhausted and feel like
I’m at the end of myself but somehow I’ve been able to keep fasting. I
know that even if I broke down and ate something it would taste retched
in my mouth. I know God is doing something with me. There is something
He wants to reveal to me but it’s requiring my perseverance through
fasting and my persistence to draw near to him. When my fast ends, I’ll
know without a doubt.

I believe that God will give me a dream that
reveals things previously unknown. This fast is not about my team or
me. It’s way bigger than that. I don’t know why God chose me. I didn’t
even feel my heart that desperately drawn to Swaziland. But I did cry
out for the people and ask God to bring the rain. I did pray for God to
convict them and bring them to repentance so that he could pour out his
blessings on them. I guess God took my prayers seriously and wants to
reveal something to me.

It’s now noon of Day 8. Yesterday as I was laying around feeling like I
couldn’t move , God gave me a vision. I was hovering above Nsoko,
facing the mountains. There was a dark blanket over the city but it was
moving. I realized that it was a blanket of demons hovering over the
town. Above was one angel, sword drawn, fighting the demons. And as I
sat there I saw another come down from heaven to join the first in
battle. And I knew that the more I fasted and the more I prayed, more
angels were being released from heaven to fight this battle for

God lured me into this fast by telling me only a couple days at a time
but I feel now that I’m in this for the long haul. I don’t know how
long it will be. I’ve been getting 10 days but 30 days has crept in a
few times too. I just know that it will be until God ends it. I’ve been
getting spiritually attacked the last few days about it and I finally
wised up to it and did some serious prayer and rebuking this morning.
Some of my teammates are awesome and really encouraging and supporting
me in prayer but others are really worried about me. Please pray with
me for God to give them understanding and peace about it.

I just wanted you to know what’s
going on because I feel like it’s important. I also need a lot of
prayer right now, and so does Elizabeth. She is still fasting with me.
She had a dream last night that we had both been fasting a really long
time and we were serving the rest of our team pastries but God said
that we didn’t really need the food and we were to continue fasting.

In Him,


If you want to read more about Brady’s journey, read her blog here. Also, if you’re a young person who feels called to this level of devotion to the Lord, you should consider applying for the World Race!