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From Seth Barnes. This is the end of the year for all the Racers that left in January. I’m visiting them now for their debrief in Hong Kong. We’d really
appreciate your help in distributing this to your

networks and spheres of influence. The World Race staff has put together promo material
to get the word out about the WR, so there’s lots of resources at your
disposal. Just ask.

Dear Fellow Adventurer,

I am writing to you from China. We’re wrapping up a year of
adventures with our January
World Race squad. Many are going back to lives they will barely recognize. They
have been transformed by this trip, all because they were faithful to the call
to give God a year of their lives.

World Racer reflects:
“I went to college, earned a degree, and was ready to
jump on the fast track to the nice life. Now, I can’t imagine going back to the
life I once desired. I no longer want to be
the same. I’m not afraid that my life may never look the way that I thought it
would look. Because I know there’s more!”

describes the challenge of communal living:
“Life on the World Race is just
like marriage, except I married six people that I didn’t even know, let alone
choose. And in this marriage we live, work and play. It’s doing life together,
24/7. Very few people ever experience what it’s like to live in true community
and let me tell you: Community is hard.”

  It’s hard, but it’s real.
These are some of the most genuine relationships you’ll ever have. A year on the
challenges you in ways that you’ve never been challenged. It calls
something out of you that you never knew existed.

The Race continues. We have two more teams in the
field, and another trip begins in January. Young people are waking up to their
destiny, realizing they need a journey to discover their identity and role in
the kingdom of God.

If you have been journeying with us through these stories, I
want to thank you and challenge you to pursue God’s dreams for your life. Fill
out a quick
for the World Race.

Partner with us in mobilizing
a generation
to answer its calling. If you are interested in joining what is
becoming a movement, please contact us at the information below.

World Race started in 2006. Participants visit 11 different countries in 11
months, partner with local ministries, and serve the poor. You must be at least
21 years old to apply. There are three groups leaving in 2008.
for this life-changing adventure.

2 responses to “End of the year for January World Race”

  1. Words seem a poor substitute for the gratitude this WR dad has in his heart. Thank you Seth, Gary and the entire WR staff for everything you have and are doing. Through the blogs, etc. this year I have watched my precious daughter become a woman fully alive in Christ. The impact that this year on the race has had on her has and will change the lives of many. May God continue to provide all of the resources you need to continue this work.

  2. Wow, Tim. What a powerful word here. Thanks for seeing the big picture and catching the vision of the Race. What an encouragement this is to the staff!