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When Jesus went to the mountain in Matthew 17:2, He was transformed. Peter, James and John were watching Jesus talk with Elijah and Moses. Elijah represented the spirit and Moses represented the Law; we must bring both in our discipleship of this next generation, and they much watch us embrace both.

Jesus was walking down the beach in Matthew 4 and looked in the eyes of Peter and Andrew, James and John – He said “Follow Me” and immediately they did. Elijah in 1 Kings 19:19 found Elisha plowing the fields, threw his cloak over him and said “Follow Me” – Fathers choose sons.

You must learn to be a son before you can be a father. If you are not broken in your spirit, have not embraced hard circumstance and still rejoice, you do not know how to be a son. We like to call it “walking with a limp.”
If you still know more then everybody around you… If you still do not allow people to speak deeply into your life… If you have not embraced covering and allowed it to sharpen you… you are still a boy. You have an uninitiated heart.

I know many leaders of ministries and businesses that are still “boys,” meaning that they have never allowed their hearts to be initiated. It is to painful.

Elijah had just called down fire on demonic prophets and then ran from Jezebel and wanted to die. He then went to the mouth of a cave (the same cave where Moses wrote the 10 commandments), and found God. Not in the noise, but in a whisper. Right after that, he called Elisha out – Elijah was ready to be a dad.

Jesus was taken to the desert, fasted 40 days and was tempted by the Devil himself. Immediately after, he was walking down the beach and called out his boys. The son had become a dad.

As fathers and mothers of this generation, we must make sure that we are initiated ourselves. We must learn what it means to be a son or daughter first, before we can “call them out” and initiate their hearts.

I will give you the four steps of how to disciple this generation over the next few blogs.

5 responses to “Elijah, Moses and Jesus; how to reach a generation”

  1. Initiation is indeed painful, but “those things which cause us pain, instruct”! Thanks for speaking into the heart of this “boy”.