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Please share this with any young people you know who might be willing to give up two months this fall to serve in Africa:
Upcoming Trip to Swaziland: September 8 – November 8

The people of Swaziland have few or no material possessions, are in the
midst of a seven-year drought that has led to zero crop yield and are
afflicted by a nationwide AIDS pandemic. And yet, they have an enduring

“There is an unnatural resilience, a strength the Swazis find in their
faith… Joy leaps out of them, in spite of all the adversity
they face, and it comes directly from God. They are my inspiration.”
-Excerpt from a recent interview of AIM staff member Dennis Brock by Phil White for Relevant Magazine

could spend two months in Swaziland this fall, practicing “true religion” through
caring for widows and orphans and helping us start up the Nsoko Project.
Swaziland, like much of southern Africa, has been devastated by the AIDS virus and desperately needs people who
are daring enough to go and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Yesterday, Seth Barnes wrote a blog about Gugu, a woman in Swaziland who stepped up to God’s call to be courageous and started a school for children who were sexually active (many under the age of ten).
The kids said they would stop having sex if they could attend school. And so, Gugu’s adventure began. It hasn’t been easy, but years later, her school is still up and running, and many children have had a chance at life in a country that is well-acquainted with death.
As Andrew Shearman says, “Christianity is for heroes.” And Gugu is one of them. You could be, too. My question is: Will you do something heroic today? Maybe it’s time to take that trip to Africa you’ve always thought about taking.
Click here to read more about the trip to Swaziland in September. There is only a week left to apply, so if you’re even interested, check it out before July 15. Click here to fill out a Quick App and see if you’re a good fit for the upcoming Swazi trip.