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These prayers are personalized Scriptures that will challenge you in your most important duty as a husband – praying for your wife. Like none other, your prayers provide a covering of grace and protection for her.

“As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you”


May my wife see you alone, the source of all wisdom and knowledge – Col 2:2-3

Grant, Lord, that my wife will make it a priority to grow in being intimately acquainted with You and all Your ways – Phil 3:8-10

I pray that my wife will remember what You taught, and let Your words enrich her life –


Remind my wife to think about everything she has to praise You for – Phil 4:8

Lord, fix my wife’s mind on heaven’s perspective, so she does not worry about things on earth – Col 3:1-3

Lord, keep my wife’s eyes firmly fixed on You – Heb 12:2

I pray that my wife will keep her eyes open for spiritual danger, be spiritually alert and stand firm in the faith – 1Cor 16:13

Keep her spiritual senses tuned to desire and expect Your presence in her life continuously – 2Cor 11:3

Draw her close to Your heart, so that her heart will be filled with You alone to make her pure and true – James 4:8

Help us both to walk in the light of Jesus, so that we may have unbroken fellowship with You and with each other – 1John 1:7

Let me prize her and love her as Christ loves His bride, the Church, and unselfishly give myself for her – Eph 5:25-28

Enable both of us to honor You by submitting to each other – Eph 5:21

I know that as I pray for my wife, and as the Holy Spirit helps her, You will cause all things to work together for the good of our marriage – Phil 1:19, Rom 8:28

5 responses to “Daily Praying for your Wife”

  1. Thank you Gary! This is a great way to encourage other men to pray the Word of God over their wives. Your transparency in sharing is honorable! I pray the Lord continues to bless you.

  2. Thanks for sharing Gary. All married men must pray for their wives, marriages and children – it is a responsibility. I believe if we all can do that, family break down issues will be a thing of the past because we have God on our side. God bless you Gary.