
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Raising kids in America is challenging to say the least… the noise, the narcissism, the “I deserve” attitude. Where is all the victimization and “I want” coming from? 

As adults, we must ask ourselves; what are we doing to empower this generation? What are we doing to pull the greatness out of them and make them successful in life? Maybe we should start with a harder question; what are we doing that is “Killing” this generation?

It’s amazing to me how quick we are, especially as Christians, to judge or criticize the world. Movies, music, abortion, tattoo’s… what we don’t realize is that we are to blame!

Entertainment is a good place to start. We have entertained or bored our Christian kids to sleep. In most “Charismatic” Church’s you visit, you can find loud music, lights flashing, turn tables scratching, and big screens showing video’s… in our youth groups we have fuse ball tables, pool tables, loud music pumping to try and pull in and build big youth groups – it’s not about the kids any more, it’s about how many we have coming!

What ever you birth these kids into, is what you will get. If we are drawing them in with the same thing the world is using; that’s what we get. I train and disciple hundreds of American kids each year – they are bored because they are boring and they know very little about kingdom living or the Fear of the Lord! Entertainment is killing this generation… wonder why only 4% come to our church’s – if I can go to the movies or a rock concert and get the same thing, I choose the rock concert!

Other “Generation Killers” we will dive into; abortion, (we abort “destiny, or “Calls’ in the church by building our own kingdoms, so the world has abortion that is killing millions) dating, (Number 1 killer of youth groups in America), initiation, (never initiated our young people, so they try and initiate themselves).

One of the things we must do is create moments with our kids. This is Tyler and I in Swaziland holding “Baby Moses” Tyler will remember, no matter how far he wonders, forever… create moments with your kids, together…

6 responses to “Creating moments; Generation Killers”

  1. Baby Moses’ memory is a good one to rally around. The world is dying while many of us are unaware and self-absorbed.

    Keep blowing this trumpet, Black!

  2. Gary, this is SO good…and so right! Love you bro…good to be with you and Lisa. Keep moving apostolically…it is hard, but it hurts so good!

  3. You’re preaching to the choir,GB. I’ve been studying this very theme for months and you are right on point. Thanks for investing in the next generation in such a bold and measurable way!

  4. i feel like you had to hold yourself back on those (having heard you talk at length on dating) and i only wish your post here could be longer. those are some huge ideas that our Church really needs to be contemplating. awesome words.