
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

radio program started this weekend, but not without some resistance… I
am co-hosting the show with a Swazi, pastor Gift. He is an amazing guy,
who radiates the Spirit of God.

We felt the Lord really wanted us to
encourage and help bring truth to the fathers of Swaziland and Africa.
Our theme this week is Psalms 103:13 – A father is kind to his
children, so the Lord has compassion or is kind to those that fear Him.

We challenged the fathers to step into their rightful place of
authority, but with compassion and in the fear of the Lord; loving your
children, your wife the way the Lord loves you. God anointed our time
on the radio and the response was awesome!

When you call out a generation of fathers, and reach over two million
listeners in four countries of Africa; make sure the Lord told you to
do it! Lisa and I want everything we do here to come from a place of
real intimacy and hearing the “Whisper” of God – not moving unless we
hear a clear “Yes” and stopping if we hear “No.” It is a tough, but
very safe place to move in.

We felt the Lord gave us the ok to move forward with the radio, just
move slow and deliberately. The Spiritual warfare increased when we
said yes and the first day of the program was very intense.

Our work permit was delayed for no reason, the van we are driving
stopped running, our kids were sick, we were arguing, issue after issue
seemed to come up right before I was to go on the radio.

We sat our
kids down, prayed and took communion. As we did, the peace of God, that
surpasses all understanding, washed over us and we knew things would be
ok and they were…

Thank you for covering us in prayer and walking down this road with the
BlackTribe. You really can feel the difference when the Saints are
praying and people who know God intercede.

of covering; this is our guard that marches around our house all night
until morning and our new watch puppy, Schalky, (Skull-Key).

Schalky is a
famous rugby player for South Africa and the boys favorite player –
they want their new guard dog in training to be as tough as him!

He is
a Ridge Back / Boerbul mix. There is a stripe that runs down his back,
and when threatened the hair stands straight up; pretty cool.

Thank you again for standing with us.

We really need you. 

5 responses to “Covering”

  1. I have to say, this radio program is annoited…I sat in the studio and listened, the spirit of God was all over it…I understood instantly why we had a tough few days…
    Love you baby,

  2. The Battle is the Lord`s and the Glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea ! Well done Blacks !! xo A.

  3. Perhaps we can replay the radio program so that it is heard on a regular basis back here in the states. I can only imagine the spiritual battles you face; we are committed to covering you all in prayer. God calls all of us to obedience; our call is to pray and support. Know that you are loved by many.

  4. Tim has a great idea. let’s see if we can do that, Gary. we could post them to your blog.