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From Eric Hanson, who just got back from a year around the world on the World Race. He has come alive and is waking up his generation. Read his summary of the past year below:

I have set my feet upon five continents over the course of this
year. I have seen the wonders of the world, those widely recognized,
but many more that only a few on this earth have ever seen. And every
time I look around, I wonder, “Is this really my life?”

Yesterday, I was standing on top of some snowy peak I do not
know the name of, overlooking mountain range after mountain range,
struck by awe.

I have seen miracles. I have seen the unexplainable. I have eaten food
that should not have fed three or four people, yet strangely fed 11, with
enough for seconds. I have had nowhere to sleep at night one minute,
and the next, I’m holding the keys to a house.

I have walked in to a
village where there were no believers, and left with 25 new brothers
and sisters. I have seen people who have not eaten in a week, erupt
into dancing and laughter. I have seen the joy in the eyes of a teenage
boy whose one eye did not work only minutes before.

I have heard the
shouts of praise of a woman who had lain on a mat and could now walk. I have seen an old man, whose heart had hardened from 60 years of
rejection, melt because of the love of a few strangers, and the One who
died for him.

I have entered a monastery and left a month later, with a dozen new friends who I laughed with every day. I have been a part of the story of a man who had a
terminally ill wife who lived just long enough to hear the Good News,
and then passed away three days later.

I have spent a week with a man, who a few months before had been a drug
addict and a criminal, had an encounter with the living God, left all the lies, and decided to rebuild his
crumbling marriage.

I have loved an orphan who had been abused and
abandoned, but rescued and adopted into a new family. I have seen the
obedience of a young man and his wife entirely transform a community in
the jungle. I have worshiped in secret where it is illegal, lifting up
praises so that only my Father can hear.

But more important than all
of these things, I have had my own encounter with the Living God, and
realized that God cares more about my heart than if a woman’s legs
function. And that every day, every single day, I have the extreme
privilege to see the Lord in a new way, and be brought closer, and
closer, and closer to Him, because He knows my name.

It’s not
about the World Race; it’s not about locations or vocations. Its about
opening your eyes and embracing the love that El Shaddai has for you.
And then you turn around, and share that same love with the next person
in front of you.