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From Seth Barnes’ blog. Come on, men, and get initiated into the kingdom!

Andrew, Kyle, Rusty, Clinton and Scott are
all macho guys living life to the full. I love the way these guys are
struggling with pain on the World Race, which isn’t just a world missions adventure but a journey into the character of Christ and a transformational process of self-discovery.

sees pain as he visits Viet
Nam and asks the kind of hard questions that don’t put up with easy, trite answers.

is a former Sportscaster and journalist who is struggling with questions and trust in the Philippines.

Scott deals with the discomfort of having his
hair cut by a transvestite and wonders how he can show love to people in a messy world.

Clinton is plagued by memories of his deceased wife, wondering what’s in store for him after the Race, and struggling with feeling old.

Finally, Kyle
confronts his own past as he stumbles on the fallout from the sex trade in

If they had stayed in their comfort
zones back in the States, their growth as human beings would have been stunted.

Many of these questions wouldn’t have been asked, much less answered. Out on the ragged edge in the slums and on the dirty streets of cities in
southeast Asia, they are coming face to face with Jesus as they attempt to
minister to “the least of these.”