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Not too long ago, we introduced you to a website that we started called Breathe Africa.

As a pastor that travels around the globe, the question I am asked most
from the people I meet is: “What is the will of God for my life?” We at Breathe Africa believe the answer is very
simple: “I am the will of God.”

You and I are the answer to those that
cannot help themselves. Breathe Africa is part of the solution. It is
connecting you with people in great need to help teach them sustainability
and God’s provision.

have just put on staff Pastor Gift and his wife Philile. She is a
seamstress and is teaching our grandmas (also called go-go’s), mothers
and widows to sew and create wonderful products: place settings,
clothes, slip covers, etc.

We can bless the people that take care of the
orphans by building safe homes and villages for them, empowering the
next generation of Africans in micro-business, and teaching them how to
be entrepreneurs! The dream is reality!

I want to thank Casey for all of her hard work in this project. Casey Wells is the feet under Breathe Africa.

She has built
relationships with the women at the local market – helping support them
and their families while providing products for Breathe Africa at a
great price.

During the holidays, we encourage you to do some of your Christmas shopping here. I’m including some of the pieces of jewelry available at the bottom of this blog. Click here to look at more.

We are ready to go now. We take Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal. The proceeds
go back to at-risk children (orphans). Our products are made by the
widows, grandmas and mothers that take care of these orphans at all of our care points. Visit for more info. You can also click on the jewelry below for a large picture.

Wooden Africa Necklace

Brown Animal Print Seed Necklace

Dark Brown Seed Necklace

Wooden Necklace

Brown & Green Seed Necklace

Big Brown Necklace


One response to “Christmas Shop for Orphans at Breathe Africa”

  1. Helping people help themselves – and your prices are so reasonable!
    Thank you for your faithfulness to see this through.
    Gotta run .. time to shop!
    Merry Christmas to everyone involved!