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This was from Seth Barnes family update… we just moved Pastor Gift and his family down to Nsoko yesterday – the adventure is in full gear! We need to get Pastor Gift transportation and get the Community Center done this month… things are taking shape, we are very excited! Please watch the video again, and ask the Lord how you should partner… thanks again for being a part of this amazing journey. children’s villages


I heard from two of my closest friends in Swaziland today.  Tom Davis wrote this:
“Our team visited eight orphans living all alone, no food, water, and little hope. Two of these orphans are crippled and sit in the dirt all day. The widow who was taking care of them just passed away two weeks ago, now it’s just the children.

The needs of Swaziland are so many. The pastor who preached on Sunday morning entitled his sermon, “We are dying like flies.” They are. It would be hard for me to believe if I wasn’t here and seeing it with my own eyes.

The hope here comes in the form of the faith you see in the people. The pastors, like Pastor Walter and Pastor Sam, who are being Christ to these orphans and widows. They are planting churches in places everyone else refuses to go. They take food to the hungry, everyday and as church they do home visitations to the dying as a congregation on Sunday mornings before service begins. Amazing people who are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

God has called us to bring hope to the poor and to boldly advance his kingdom around the world. In places like Swaziland, we are raising money for what we’re calling “children’s villages” – a place where those orphans who have been completely abandoned can have a family and create a life. We are training Swazi leaders to solve their own problems.

One response to “Childrens Village”

  1. These pastors are truly amazing, spirit-filled men walking out Acts kind of faith! Thank God you’re mentoring and discipling them Gary. Tell Gift hello for me.