
Explore My News,
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most of you know we have had a 23 year-old Swazi living with us this
past year… We call her Zandilicious!

Her name is Zandiwe and she is one
of the most soft, gentle spirits you would ever meet.

About nine months ago, we found out she was pregnant; in Swaziland, most men have
multiple wives and multiple partners; it is very common.

Zandi, alone,
young, wanting a future and a hope believed a lie: “I will take care of
you, you will never have to beg again, just have a baby with me and
everything will be ok.” It is a very, very common story here.

you were alone and didn’t know who your father was – if you had no
money, no future and nobody that cared, what would you do? I know it is
impossible for any of us reading this to really know what we would do,
but I do know what most African girls do… the dare to believe… the man
was married and we never heard from him again.

went to the government hospital with Zandi to have the baby; women, NO
men, everywhere. Not one man. Dirty surroundings, nothing sterile,
God’s daughter’s, lying on the cement floor giving life; one or two
nurses to a hundred girls, having babies all alone. 15 minutes after
“Tiny” (that is Zandi’s babies name, just because she fit in my palm)
was born, Zandi was up and wanting to go… so we brought her home.

the past 8 months, Lisa has taught Zandi how to be a mother; how to
bath, cook, disciple and nurture the next generation, to truly love

is a true woman of God and is now going to wait for the Lord to send
her the right man – a man that will honor her, love Tiny and be married
and faithful to ONE wife!

felt the Lord asked us to send Zandi to school. After months of
searching, saving money and praying, we just sent her off to Accounting
School. She will go for three years and is guaranteed a job at the end
of the course. We just found her an apartment with electricity and
running water, (very rare) and found a “Save” day-care for Tiny, and
gave a future and a hope where their was none… the BlackTribe will
support her as a missionary until she graduates.

Now you know my wife… here is a letter that Zandi wrote Lisa as she was leaving:

Ma’am (Mrs. Black),
I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me, you
were my shelter when I have no place to stay, you were my comforter
when I have problems and you are more than a mother.
God must always bless you everywhere you go and in whatever you
are doing. It was my first time to see such a lovely and caring women.
Without you, I was going to be a laughing stalk, so God sent you as an
Angel to help poor people like me.
Please!!!! Don’t forget Zany and Tiny because they will never
forget you no mater how far you will be. You are my rose, my heart
throbs and you are a painkiller to me. It is so much painful to me that
you are leaving this country, and it is hard to believe it, when I
think about it I just feel tears in my eyes because I know that my life
will completely change but God is an answer to everything. I couldn’t
let this day go by without a wish for every happiness and farewell
which is one of the very best for you.

5 responses to “Can I tell you about my wife? (Part 2)”

  1. yeah! thanks so much for the update about zandie! i know that the lord will continue to look after her and give her and tiny life 🙂 thanks for taking the time to pour into these two beautiful women!

  2. God is amazing!! God has used you guys in amazing ways to impact Zandy and Tiny’s life forever.
    I miss them already but it’s so comforting to know God has them safe in His loving arms!
    Thanks for the great post 🙂

  3. The legacy this will leave your children is incredible. My mother discipled young mothers and families most of her adult life. It was more than classroom – it was over coffee and even housework. That legacy became an inheritance to me greater than any amount of money or possessions. I learned the power of changing another’s destiny by loving and modeling.

    Thanks for sharing this story about Lisa!