
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

most of you know we have given our time, our finances, our support and
our lives to a little place called Nsoko, Swaziland…

We have planted a
church and built a Children’s Village there. We educate, feed and
disciple over 300 orphans, 70 Make’s (mothers) and 20 some go, go’s
(grandma’s) each day. But the reason we are doing this is because of
one women’s obedience.

would get up in the morning about 6:00 – go to the gym with me,
and then start her day. Breakfast for the tribe, bible study with the
little ones, her quiet time and prayer with me… then two or three days
a week, she would gather cloths that were sent or bought by your
donations, grab whomever she could and take the hour and a half drive
from our house to Nsoko.

this is not a drive like going to the grocery store or your kids soccer
practice, (although I know those drives are horrific at times)!

this drive is all about dodging cows, donkeys, chickens,
goats, monkeys and the thousands of kids walking to school on the side
of the hwy! After the detours and driving thru the sugar Cain fields
were fixed, it got a little better, but it is a drive you certainly do
not want to do after dark!

wife would bath, pray, play, cloth and teach these forgotten kids all
day. The heat didn’t stop her, the men groping my daughters, saying
disgusting things and worse didn’t stop her.

She got to disciple and
was disciple by grandma’s that told her she was THE answer to 50 years
of prayer.

didn’t care that know body new or that people would see pictures and
“support” our work. She didn’t care when they didn’t. She did it
because God told her to and that was enough.

week she was on Swazi TV, sitting with princes, chiefs, and
governmental leaders.

I was stopped many times on the street as all of
Swazi watched her whole speech.

She told Africa to take responsibility
for their own; she challenged the men to step up and cover, protect and
be real men.

She held nothing back. Words like elegant, ravishing,
strong, a “savior” to Swaziland were used as people expressed what they
heard from my wife.

am married to a modern-day Proverbs 31 woman: sweeping up after
orphans, wiping baby’s butts, raising six kids, ministering to her
husband, calling down heaven over a nation, but always, God and family

Young ladies, take note!

17 responses to “Can I tell you about my wife?”

  1. It’s true. She is an incredible person and I pray to find someone who is even half the woman as Mrs. Lisa-Marie Black!

    Lisa, It is such a pleasure to know you and call you Mama!

  2. Yep, she’s a pretty amazing woman, Gary. I have taken note. 🙂 Miss you guys

  3. Oh such a tribute to your beautiful wife Gary…it is all true…and more…you are blessed as are you children…She is a prize…a gem…a shining star…”And she will shine like a star in the universe…as she holds out the word of life….” Philippians 2:15…that’s our girl…

  4. I have known Lisa since the girls were babies. At that time, she was one of over
    one hundred women in a group with which I was working. She stood out then, above all others, just like she does now. I sought her out because she was surpassing her co-workers in spirit, wisdom and womanliness. Thank you, Gary, for honoring her in words for everyone everywhere to read. She so deserves it.

  5. What a beautiful tribute. I hope one day I can get to know Lisa better IRL. The few minutes snatched here and there in S’land this past January was definitely not enough.

    Praying for you all daily!

    Sala Kahle,

  6. this only BEGINS to detail how amazing she is. she’s more incredible, if you can imagine that, the more time you are blessed to spend with her. love you queen mama black!

  7. You guys set the bar really high for all of us! We look forward to hearing the back stories on all the wonderful blogs you’ve shared with us, upon your return. Miracles upon miracles…what a way to live!

  8. Yep! It was an honor to sit and listen to her wisdom when we actually got the chance to!! Cool!!

  9. Wow! Amen! Lisa you are a spiritual mother to so many. I am praying for your family and for Nsoko. My heart is still there. Thanks for all you are doing, keep pressing on. It’s amazing to read about what God is doing there. I hope to see you all when you get back here.