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Things aren’t what they always seem!

By Caleb Black

couple of weeks ago, me and my brother Tyler were going to see our
friend Troy. We went to see our friend Troy, because we were going on a
hunting trip in Big Bend at Nisela safaris. The only thing was is that
it was not all a hunting trip. When me and my brother Tyler got there,
we went up to our friend’s office and he said, “Are you boys ready for a
little work?” And so I thought, “A little, okay.”

He drove us about five
kilometers down the rode to a sugar cane field. He gave us an
electricity tester and said you have to walk about 6 k and test the
electric fences in the safari place. So I thought, “6 k. Not that bad.” I
figured out 6 k later – that it was not just 6 k. It ended up being
around 17 k, but I was praising God that I got to do this.

As we were
walking, my brother Tyler said, “Let’s rest under this tree.” I said okay, but the thing that I didn’t realize is that I was in the
of a safari place, sitting with African animals such as impala, warthog,
nyala, ostrich, kudu, monkeys, zebra, and giraffe.

We were so thankful
that God was letting me be here today, because I got to see all these
glorious things in God’s kingdom. We got up a couple of minutes latter
and continued on our journey testing electricity and seeing animals.

thought all hope was gone until I said to Tyler, “Is that a road?”

But we
couldn’t tell because it was about 400 or so meters down, and then
about ten minutes later I saw a semi go by. I was rejoicing and praising God when we got on the road.

I figured out that we had to walk another
6 k to get to Nisela safaris, so the walk ended up being about 23 k. I have
never walked so far in my life. But when I got to the safari place I
got a juicy hamburger, tap water, and some fries (we call them chips). I
sat there for about four hours and then Tyler and our friend Troy came
and picked me up.

By that time it was dinner and we had pop and chicken. It was delicious. I went to sleep in a nice warm bed. The next day I,
Tyler, and Troy went bass-fishing in crocodile water. We were up to our
waist with water. We did not care that we were all in our pants. We ate
the fish that we caught.

We had a rule that who had the most catches
could chose the person of your choice to serve them dinner and make the
tea. I won. I had Tyler serve me, and he made the tea for me. Troy’s
whole family and I had a great time and experience. I hope I get to do it
again. I think the thing Troy was trying to teach us was that
everything can’t be as glorious and fun if you don’t work hard and
suffer a little for it. We left for Durban the next day, and I am having
a great vacation. Praise God.


3 responses to “Caleb’s Blog”

  1. You look so great in the picture. You are growing up fast and your grandpa is missing you. Embrace hardship, it teaches us more than good things. Tribulation brings patience, patience endurance and endurance hope. You will get to hunt many times, you learned endurance and to stick with a task, what a future you have.

  2. You are so cute, I just want to pinch your little cheaks. Your girlfriend from the world sends you a kiss.

  3. Hey, bro…your muscle looks good!
    More importantly God is growing you.
    Love you Caleb!
    Hope to see you soon.