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From Seth Barnes’ blog. Help us wake up a generation to its inheritance in Christ. Let the movement rise!

As part of mobilizing a generation to find their identity in Christ and
change the world, we’re launching an online campaign to raise awareness
for the World Race,
an eleven-month pilgrimage in which the participants take a year off,
travel the world, plant churches, and see the power of the Gospel come
to life.

Each generation has a specific purpose and language. John the Baptizer
had to become less so that his cousin Jesus could become greater.
Christ himself believed that the generation following him would be
greater than he was. In fact, he promised it to them. This is how the
kingdom works, and I believe it for our current generation of

Any missionary knows that in order to reach a people group, you have to
understand the culture and language. This may take years, because you
have to not only know how to speak the words, but you must train
yourself in comprehending their particular worldview.

This generation is set apart by their longing for authenticity; they’re
tired of being lied to. They are cynical but, at the same time,
strangely hopeful. And their language is technology.

There is a lot more to this than just being “relevant,” which has
become quite a buzzword in the evangelical church lately. This is about
understanding what makes young people come alive. Jesus talked about
nets and grain with fishers and farmers, and so must we engage young
people in an arena that taps into their passions.

This means more than just video clips. This group has an uncanny
ability to see through superficial fronts. But it does mean that we who
are passionate about seeing the next generation come alive are willing
to learn a new language and get real with them.

Please share the
following links with the young people in your sphere of influence:

WR MySpace

Entire movements are born on, and this is where millions of
young people interface every day. We post updates here every few days.

WR Xanga blog

A “best of” from the WR blogs, featuring a new favorite every day.

WR Facebook Group

Another social network that is beginning to compete with Myspace.
Several World Racers have utilized this “group” function to draw
support to their ministries.

WR YouTube Channel

We have two media teams out in the field, sending videos of what God is doing.