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A few days ago, I received an email from a World Racer named Brady who has been fasting for all of Swaziland. The Lord has revealed some powerful stuff to her (for more, see Fasting for a nation, Pt. 1

and Fasting for a nation, Pt. 2

Today, Brady ended her fast. She is an example for her generation to follow: some spirits only come out with prayer and fasting. This is the battle we all are called to fight, and I encourage you all to follow in the steps of this young forerunner. Here’s the last letter she wrote to me:

Hey Gary,

My fast officially ended this morning. Here is my
journal entry about it that I wrote

was released from fasting for me on Sunday morning and told me that my fast
would be ending soon. Other teammates have also been telling me that my fast
will end soon but I still hadn’t received word from God to confirm it. Yesterday
Heather and Christy were saying that today (Friday) would be my last day.
Heather has been fasting since Sunday for her youth group that’s been at camp
and her last day to fast is today.

God called Silas to fast 3 days this week for
something in his personal life so he was fasting Tuesday through Thursday. It’s
been great to have people fasting at the same time as me for more than a week
now. Last night we went to the church service called “Hour of Power” and in his
sermon the pastor gave 2 Chronicles 7:13-15. I felt like it was a word for me

and this fast. Today we went to the nature center and although our Lego girls
were all together at first, we ended up breaking off until it was only Christy
and me. We sat down to do our quiet times and I read through 2 Chronicles 7 and
some other chapters in the book.

I felt like I finished with it and when I was
asking God what to read next Christy hits me and asks me what day I’m on for my
fast. I told her “14” and she was shocked. She has been asking God 3 questions
about her future and she felt led to read Acts today. She was convinced that’s
where her answers were so when she wasn’t finding them she got frustrated and
starting flipping randomly through the book. She got to the end so she flipped
back one page and her eyes landed on Acts 27:33.

She didn’t know what day of the
fast I was on and wouldn’t have thought much about the verse unless I had been
sitting right next to her. When I told her 14 she was amazed and read to me
verses 33 through 36: “Just before dawn Paul urged them all to eat. ‘For the last
fourteen days,’ he said, ‘you have been in constant suspense and have gone
without food–you haven’t eaten anything. Now I urge you to take some food. You
need it to survive. Not one of you will lose a single hair from his head.’ After
he said this, he took some bread and gave thanks to God in front of them all.
Then he broke it and began to eat. They were all encouraged and ate some food

I’m so excited because God has given me permission to end my fast
today. Heather and I will pray in the morning, take communion, and break our
fast with biscuits and gravy for breakfast (don’t worry, I won’t eat too much–I
know to take it slow).

you for your support and prayers. It was definitely challenging for me but I
learned so much through the experience. I’m still not entirely sure why God
chose mepersonally to fast for

but I trust that he knows what he’s doing andI felt priveleged to fast for
something so much bigger than myself. I continue to pray for you and your family
and I will continue to pray for Swazi as well. Hopefully, we’ll be able to
continue keeping in touch and I speak life when I say: I’ll see you in


in Christ,
