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I am sitting in downtown Johannesburg, South Africa for the
third day. I have my boys with me; Lisa and the girls are camping down in Nsoko
bathing and clothing over 300 orphans.

Last Friday my 14-year-old Michael called me from South Africa and said they will not
put new papers in my passport and they have kept it! He is traveling over to Botswana
with one of our World Race teams to help out an orphan ministry that is in dire
need and did not have enough pages left in his passport to stamp.

I called the U.S.
embassy and asked them what was wrong. The embassy let me know that some one
back in the states does not want my children traveling to do ministry and had
filed a report trying to stop them. These kinds of things happen often to the
Blacktribe, so we just praise the Lord, bring truth and move on… in the
meantime, we sit and wait.

Lisa called me yesterday as she was being mobbed by thousands trying
to get to the food and clothes that she and the girls were passing out! She said, “It’s
scary and holy all at the same time; pray for us!”

Prince Lundani, the king of Swaziland’s oldest son is coming down to
our Children’s Village on Wednesday to plant a tree, make a speech and let
the world of Swaziland know that he is partnering with us.

Lisa and the girls
are bathing, doctoring scrapes and scares and putting new cloths, that many of
you bought for them, on our “Children of the Dirt” I am suppose to be there
protecting my family, preparing the people, but I am stuck dealing with “little
foxes” in the most dangerous city in the world, Johannesburg…

And it’s all ok…

Lisa has been ordained to carry these children of ours in Nsoko.

is really the one that has opened up the flood gates of that area that few care

Day after day sitting in the dirt, under the hot sun. Day after day
bathing, clothing, crying, praying – bringing life where there was no life –
she has paid the price for these forgotten ones.

We will have Michael off soon, the kids will be clean and fed, and
the kingdom will advance a little more today.

Thanks again for standing with

6 responses to “Boys in Johannesburg, Girls in Nsoko”

  1. We had Tyler over for dinner last night! He is such an amazing young man! We miss you all…Lisa can I pick you up at the airport?

  2. there is no way that God is surprized or lost about all of this. the puzzle pieces are gently and quietly being laid. with every pull of the rope the knot around satan’s minions are being gathered more tightly around their necks! what glorious victories lay ahead? what a privilege! the bondslaves of Christ show the way! xo

  3. It’s baffling how many things like this have happened to your family. Thank you for living the great example for me. I look forward to seeing you soon. Praying for you and your family in this transition.

  4. Jo’burg is, in fact, behind numerous Latin American and other South African cities for murders.