
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We are leaving Swazi, not from our own will, but God’s. Not forever, but for a season. This does not mean, however, that we are stopping our mission or being demoted – the Lord has made it clear this is a promotion!

We are putting a “Vision Trip” together for June 18-25 to bring people to Swaziland, see our Children’s Village, go on safari, minister to orphans, help in the clinic, etc. For more details see Lisa-Marie’s blog.

We also have committed to eight debriefs around the world with our World Racers, ( This is the hardest, but most enjoyable part of the journey. The schedule at debriefs is grueling, but the fruit is amazing – teaching, preaching, counseling, one-on-one and with teams. We are doubling every year and have hundreds of young missionaries around the world right now! 20-some of them slept on our floor the other night! To apply for the World Race, click here.

Also, we have a number of young people following us to go deeper with the ministry, including some old World Racers… we will be training on church planting, how to serve orphans, and build leadership schools all around the globe; our first leadership school is in Georgia this Fall and our second in Spain in January. We will continue to build more orphan care points and plant more churches like we have done in Swazi. We planted our first Church here in Swazi Easter Sunday – check out the blog: Video of Our First Church Plant in Swaziland.

We are just beginning. We have momentum, and I know the Lord has called and prepared our family for these purposes, but we need your continued support. Our schedule for the next few months is full: leaving Swazi at the end of April, debrief with the WR the last week of May in Panama, vision trip and debrief WR Swaziland in June, Nicaragua in July, and G42 leadership summit in August… not to mention five weddings and a few speaking engagements in between.

With airfare prices, rebuilding after being asked to leave Swaziland, and needing to raise our monthly support, we are in desperate need. I have been asked to be specific about the need, so here we go… We need $6000 in one time gifts this month for plane tickets, finding a home, etc. Also, we have to honor our call and build up our monthly support, as well. We are right about at $3177 a month and need to raise that up to $4500.

Please pray and ask the Lord what He would have you do, and let us know. Your gift of $25, $50, $100, or more each month and any one-time offerings to the BlackTribe are very appreciated! Even gift cards for the grocery store, Wal-Mart or the mall, taking the girls out for a spa day, taking the boys out to a baseball game, setting up a family plan so that we can all have cell phones, or helping meet some of those practice needs once we get to the States would be an incredible blessing. However you want to be involved, please let me know.

It’s as simple as clicking on the Support Me! link on the left-hand side of this blog. You can give online or fill out a DynaPay form and send it in the envelope addressed to AIM for ongoing withdrawals from a bank account. We are excited and a little nervous, but ready for the next leg of this amazing journey!

Thank you for standing with us. By the way, a network out of Chicago is doing a follow-up show on our life story and have just filmed the Africa segment. We’ll send you more information on that when the project is completed. It is pretty awesome to watch what the Lord has done over the past few years, what He is doing now and to feel the stirring of what’s to come!