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Happy Holidays everybody – we are fighting the fight in Swaziland, and are seeing God be God!

I had the opportunity to be part of TheCall Las Vegas last month. Being in America after eight months was amazing; you forget the freedom we have!

Two weeks ago, Lisa and I were in Hong Kong debriefing about 80 of our World Racers. It was refreshing and exciting to see what God is doing around the globe with these young adventurers!

We had a very good Thanksgiving, and are gearing up for our first Christmas in Africa.

Our “Children’s Village” is being built right now. We are training hundreds of young people each month to find the “Oil of Intimacy” and go take dominion on the earth.

It’s what we call the Luke 10 and Luke 18 Call. The movement is strongly underway; thank you for being a part of it! Here is a great Video that tells the story of what our lives are like here and who we are working with.

On a personal note, Lisa has been pretty sick and we are headed to South Africa to possibly have a small surgery to correct things.

Please pray for us as this is a faith journey to SA. The doctors are much better there, but also much more expensive!

We have to leave soon, but have a house that Tom and Cindy Sipling gave us to use for as long as we need for December to get things worked out.

The kids are excited to see malls, movie theaters and kids their own age! There is a huge difference from Swazi to South Africa.

If you have end of the year giving you are praying about releasing, please send it our way – we are doing great, but do need you on this journey with us. It is a week-to-week adventure!

Two ways to give are:

  • You can also make a check out to Adventures in Missions & put in the subject line “Gary Black – Swaziland,” and mail to:
    Adventures In Missions, Inc.
    P.O. Box 534470
    Atlanta, GA 30353-4470
    ATTN: Gary Black

We are learning a part of the Character of God through the heart of orphans, young missionaries and a generation of Africans that want to change their lives and the world – thank you for praying for us and helping finically if you can – and please remember to pray for Lisa, it is time she is healthy! God bless and have a very Merry Christmas.

The BlackTribe

Gary, Lisa, Alexis, Tyler, Emily, Michael, Caleb & Noah

4 responses to “Black Tribe Ministry Update – December 2007”

  1. Great picture. I love you guys.

    Sorry to hear that Lisa is sick. I will definitely be praying about that. Please keep us updated.

    Praise God for His provision, and a place of rest in Capetown. I am hoping to meet up with Tom and Cindy while I am in PA for Christmas.

    Enjoy your rest and make the most of it. Merry Christmas.