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The tribe came to me and asked if they could write their own letters for Africa and tell everybody why they want to go… they are also calling corporations asking for sports equipment, computers, drama material and costumes, and things that they can build their own ministry around for the orphans of Africa; here are their letters in their own language.

My name is Noah Black and I am four years old. I want to hold the African babies. I love Jesus so much and I know he loves me too. When I move there, I want to give the babies a piggy-back ride. Jesus is telling me to go and that He will send His angels with me, so I am going for him.


My name is Caleb Black, I am 9 years old. The reason why I want to go to
is because I want to learn their culture and fill them with the presence of God. I want to let them know what it is like to have not small, but huge relationships with God. I want to let them know that somebody does love them, and somebody does cares, and that they’re not going to leave for a very long time, and those people are me and God. I think our whole family, all 8 of us, this opportunity is our call in life.
 I think this will be a big move, and a big change, and bring our family closer together.
 I think my family and I will finally appreciate what we have and how lucky we are to have a full family because over in

it is the most infected place in the world for Aid’s. It is nearly 42 percent infected with them.
 I’m inspiring you to go over to

and hold those desperate little babies, and not leave right when you’re finished. But stay, and hold them, and love on them, and do except them for just how they are.

Thank, you very much and God bless


I have always wanted to go to
. Ever since our family came together as one, we all had the thought of eventually moving there. Now is the perfect time for our family to be who we are. God has called the Blacks to spend their American lifestyles out, and go do something. We all have grown up to what we ‘want’ but only sometimes what we ‘need’. I think that this move will completely change our perspective on money, brand name clothing, shelter, and love. I cannot wait to get going on the call on my life. It is so exciting to know what you are meant for and how you will make God proud of you. God loves our family so much for this blessing to happen before our eyes and for us to experience everything we have ever dreamed of. I, Emily Black, age 13 and I am going to make a change in my heart and others hearts because this move to
will transform me forever.


SwaziLand, Africa, Is a vast breath taking place. It is a broken country waiting for God to be filled in their lives. And that is why I am writing. About 7 months ago I was sitting in my kitchen when my father, the most amazing dad asked me to pray with him about going to Africa. I was immediately broken in prayer that night when god told me to go. I had about 4 months to raise money and got the last check just in time! Though I was excited I had no idea what I was going in to. I got there early in the morning and gods impacted me from then tell the end of the trip. I saw things unimaginable. It was a dirty in horrible shape place. And all I wanted to do was go back to my nice cozy home and bed. But god had a whole different plane over my life. He has spoken to me many times, about this country I was born to live in. it is my job to go and heal a dieing generation. I am going because it is the calling over my life, and is part of the reason I was born. God knew I couldn’t turn down my destiny, and that is why he picked me out of 6,000,000,000 people.  
Michael Black, age 13


Alexis Black
 Age- 16

I’m going to
because we have always been called to that country. I never before have really cared for missions. My dad brought home a video of
called “Dear Francis”. We watched it and I got a trigger in my spirit telling me to go, but I didn’t know what it meant yet. Then months later we get the news we have an opportunity to move to
. I’ve never seen me or my family so willing to do something for God’s kingdom. Even though we all said yes on the spot, my dad asked us to pray about it. As my little brother described it, ‘As I was praying, my heart said yes before it even set on my tongue.’ After another family meeting, we were going. Now all I can do is count down the days. Finally the call on our family starts. This is why I am going to


My name is Tyler Black, I am 15, and live in Monument,
. I have had the wonderful opportunity to be asked to move with my family to

. I was shocked at the first thought but it truly struck my heart. I was thrilled; it was one of those moments of excitement but also of fear! We sat down as a family and discussed the pros and cons of moving. I was first excited about getting out of geology and math class and quickly realized this was way bigger than me or my family. This was about babies without parents, sisters acting as mothers at young ages, and digging deep and doing the will of God. I get to change lives at my young age, while my friends get to play football and go to movies. What more can I ask for? I am so excited to see what god as planed for these Africans, ready to encounter a family who won’t just visit for a week or maybe a month but will live with them, get their hands dirty like them, and show them life in the midst of death. What are you doing this week, month, or year that will change someone’s life?

Thanks a bunch


yler Black

17 responses to “Black kids letters!”

  1. I’m with every one of you! God be with you, God get the glory, and may God use you to save an entire generation!

  2. this was great. thank you, Black tribe, for going to a place that we dream about going to and for doing the things that we only wish we could do. Those orphans are the apple of Jesus’ eye. When you play with them, it’s as though Jesus himself was there playing. You guys are awesome!

  3. We love you all and are with you all the way! We are proud of you and the kids brag about you every chance they get!

  4. Wow! The Lord will not only bless you more than you can ever hope or imagine, but through you, thousands will be inspired to see that small sacrifices make a big difference, and that great sacrifices result in miracles and transformed nations!

  5. You all are a great inspiration to my family. We look forward to seeing each of you accomplish great things for our Lord!

  6. Its amazing to see a family walk out the call of the Lord together! May He bless you in all that you set your hands too!!

  7. We cannot wait for you guys to get here! The LORD has such plans for you all “beyond all that you could hope or imagine”.

  8. Oh my goodness! I am very excited for all of you…this will be an amazing heart changing…(and breaking) experience! That is often how God works…He allows our hearts to be moved and broken by what moves and breaks His…amazing though…because if we are willing we become more like HIM in the process! A beautiful lifegiving thing…
    I love you all!


  9. I am thrilled to see God move an entire family to bravely go into an adventure in the Spirit. You will all be changed and the love of God will flow to the hungry hearts He is sending you to. This is just wonderful…Hug all your Black tribe for me. We will be praying..

  10. I am thrilled to see God move an entire family to bravely go into an adventure in the Spirit. You will all be changed and the love of God will flow to the hungry hearts He is sending you to. This is just wonderful…Hug all your Black tribe for me. We will be praying..

  11. Wow! I’m so honored to have read your letters – thank you for sharing them with us.
    Your family, your tribe is testimony to God’s Word and His faithfulness. May you be blessed abundantly, and may God share with you & let you realize the blessing that you are to others.
    May God’s hand of mercy be upon you and may He continue to protect you as a loving father protects his precious children.
    God bless you ~ Patti-Mom

  12. I know it’s a little late, but I just found this and love it. It truly shows the amazing hearts of your family. I love you all and miss you all a lot! We prayed for Alexis today and have been thinking about her future ministry here in Thailand. Thanks for following the dream and paving the way for others. P.S. what are your kid’s e-mails?

  13. I’d love to hear more about your family and what’s its been like to move to Swaziland and minister there. I served as a single missionary for 2 years during the 80’s. I’ve never quit loving and missing S’land but recently, mostly thru Tom Davis’ ministry, God has been stirring up a passion again for the Swazi people.

    I’m hoping to go back again soon short-term and my family is praying about where our future lies. We are open to going and doing whatever God wants for us. Even my children say they want to go to Africa…they are even almost all saying they want to live there so they can minister to the orphans. My nearly 14 year old isn’t so sure yet. 😉

    Please pray for us as we seek God’s will. We’ve also read IRRESISTIBLE REVOLUTION and I’ve read Lisa Samson’s QUAKER SUMMER and its rocked our world. We are sick of living the selfish, safe life we’ve been living for the last several years. We want to do whatever God wants us to do whatever the cost.

    If there is any information you could provide us concerning ministry opportunities for families, we’d be very interested. My husband can retire in 6 years and maybe God will wait and move us into a new life then…but we want to be willing to risk it all, even the financialsecurity that retirement provides, if that’s what God wants from us.

    BTW, we have SEVEN kids of our own.;)

  14. May god bless you for all the efforts you do for helping us as Swaziland.For all the Swazi people who do not have an advantage to write this, I want to take the responsibility to say have a wonderful time in Swaziland filled with joy and success.