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Caleb is 11 years old today, and we are celebrating this young life all week!

those of you that know Caleb you will smile as you read this – those of
you that have not had the pleasure of hanging out with him, your time
will come…

is huge for his age: 130 pounds, 5 feet, 4 inches tall – surprisingly
enough his best friend Hayden Davis is exactly the same size.

balance and ability has not completely caught up with their size yet,
but when it does, watch out! They are a wrecking force on the basketball
court and football field already!

is our sensitive warrior. He has been beat up by his two older brothers
for the past 11 years, (Michael used to drag him down the stairs by one
leg), and he has been taught by his two older sisters about tenderness,
gentleness and how to treat a lady.

He still kisses his mother and holds her hand, all the while protecting and keeping her safe. He understands at the tender age of 11 what it means to be a real man.

you watched him in Africa with the orphans, you know exactly what I am
talking about: he would play soccer with the boys, then sit them down
and teach them about life; he really was amazing to watch.

feels what is going on in the spirit; he has often come to Lisa and me
in tears, not able to hold back his emotions and tell us what he is
feeling for us, a brother, sister or friend. We weep together, pray and
it lifts.

The other night, he spent the night at a friend’s house. In the
middle of the night the Lord woke him up and told him to pray over one
of his buddies. The next morning the nine year-old boy that Caleb prayed
over said to me: “Last night Caleb came over to me and laid is hands
on my head and asked God to bless me and he asked God to stop the
enemy’s plan over my life – I felt so peaceful and slept really good!”

That’s our Caleb. Happy birthday, son; I am so proud of you. Thanks for being my son.

13 responses to “Big shout out for Caleb Alexander the Great!”

    I’m so very proud of you!!!! Have an amazing day 🙂

  2. happy birthday caleb! how fun to have it in the states… may god continue to bless you for the blessing that you were in swazi and south africa. have an awesome birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday Caleb we hope you have a blessed and Fun day,stay strong in the Lord and he will reward you!. Can’t wait to have you and our boys hook up.

  4. caleb, i know this is your dad’s blog (hi gary…), but i figured this is the best place to wish you happy birthday! hope your day has been amazing. keep pressing in to what God has for you!

  5. Hi Caleb, miss your warm smile. Have a greatly blessed day filled with the presence of the Lord Jesus in every second of the day.
    Love and blessings
    uncle Colin & auth Kathy, Swaziland

  6. Hey man, we will have to do something when we are visiting in sept. Happy B-day buddy, and it will only be a few years and then you will give your brothers payback. Greetings from Swaziland

    Jumbo & Kriek

  7. Caleb – just joining in the celebrations for a Giant-Killer for God . Reproduce yourself a 1000 times and we will have some special forces! xo Andrew.

  8. BOP!

    Dude, you rock. You are the strongest and softest person I know. You have His heart and continue to amaze me and those around you. It has been a pleasure to see you grow up into the man that you are. I am so proud of you and greatful to call you my brother!