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That ambiguous time the day after Christmas and before
the New Year is always very difficult for me.

The hype of Christmas is gone, and the reality of how much
you spent or whom you forgot sinks in. Or like this year for me, being alone in Africa without
parents and friends begins to hit home. And then, there are the questions:

Do I set “New Years

Do I even believe in them?
Do I teach my kids to set them or is it
setting them up to fail?

What does the next year look like?
Should I fast the
New Year in?

I lay in bed at night stirring, thinking, and

The kids are on school break, the malls are too crowded, there aren’t any good movies out to see –
perfect time to write that one-year plan for the family and what things will
look like in 2008. By the way, living out here in
Africa, I am starting to believe in the five to 10-minute plan, instead of the five to 10-year plan. Could be my next book…

And then, I stop!

That floating time for me between Christmas and the New
Year is a really good time to just hear God.

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