
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

it seems that the honeymoon may be over. We have been in Africa three months
now, and our best friends that have been here a month just loaded up to
leave. I am sitting in my office this Sunday morning and asking the
Lord, “How do I keep my family focused and walk us through the next
phase of this African journey?”

Lisa and I miss our parents very much and, of course, the kids miss
their grandparents and friends. Noah was ready to go back with the
Davises this morning to see his grandpa! I woke up yesterday morning
with my first “heart twinge” of one of the things I miss most – the
smell of the Rocky Mountains on a cold, crisp morning – interesting
thought, but very real. About 1 km from our house is the cities trash
dump; when the wind is a little off, or they are doing their weekly
burning of the trash… well, lets just say it’s not the Rockies!

We are very busy, and the opportunities for ministry are
unlimited. My radio program starts in two weeks; I will be on Saturdays
and Mondays. The reach is about 2.4 million Africans in Swazi, South
Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe on Trans World radio. The number one
most listened-to radio personality in Africa is Joyce Myer, and I will be on
right after her program.

As a family, we are adopting a few families
here that cannot provide for themselves: all single moms with multiple
kids. Their living conditions are simply unacceptable. The kids are
busy with school, sports, friends and ministry.

Lisa has come fully
alive and is hearing very clearly on our next steps. She is hosting a
women’s retreat soon and is ministering daily to our young missionaries
here on ground. (In fact, she is doing a brunch right now for one of
our all girl world race teams, that’s why I am in the office on a
Sunday)! The leadership school is starting; the orphan care is amazing,
the vision is coming alive… but….

All of this and much more is why we came, but how do you keep a family
of eight focused, fully alive, and secure when the honeymoon is over? When
the excitement of moving to Africa has died down? The reality of the
conditions here seem impossible, and you start missing the simple things
like a Starbucks coffee, a Big Mac, lunch with a friend or my dad. What do you do when it all hits home?

You do what you were taught to do, what you know to do: you press in,
open the gateway to God’s heart which is thanksgiving; you gather your
family around, and you look in the faces of the people God has asked you
to serve… that’s better then a Big Mac any day!

8 responses to “Better then a Big Mac?”

  1. Gary – great post ! I`m sitting here thinking of you all and I remembered what Mum always told me : “We serve the Lord Christ and from Him shall we receive the reward . The only score that matters is the one kept in Heaven !” Keep the ’empty’ places filled up with the Holy Spirit . Got you covered ! xo A

  2. the honeymoon is just starting baby,
    I am so excited to see what the Lord will do in these next 3 months!!

  3. Lisa’s right – now that we’re not distracting you anymore, you can really get some stuff done!

    We believe in the Black family!

  4. We miss you all, as much as you miss us. You are on Skype right now with your mother, this her birthday. However we have always taught you that the Lord comes first, then family. You and your family will accomplish that which the Lord has given you and the kingdom will be enriched which then will flow to the family.

  5. There is much I can share with you on this point from experience. Can you give me your current email address. For now, reflect on my life verse, “Look around you and be amazed, for I am going to do something in your lifetime that you would not believe even if I were tell you” (Hab. 1:5)

  6. God placed you in an amazing place to do amazing things . and He has give you the perfect family to make it happen! From your supportive folks in the States to your wife & kidlettes with you in Swazi .. what a blessing!
    Hold the dream close and watch it happen through God’s eyes!

  7. Hi Gary. I don’t know if you will remember us, but my husband helped your family get the car running so that you could be on your way to Africa. You touched my husband’s heart and God so clearly spoke to him that day about what he wanted him to do for you. My brother, Danny, has sent me your link so we can watch your journey, but please know that we will be praying for you and your family and the great work God has sent you there to do! Hey, I love Big Macs too…but they are way over-rated; you will be healthier without them! ha! Know that you are in our prayers, Tom and Teresa

  8. Bro! Love ya. You are building such a family legacy…talk to you soon. For The Lamb!