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are back in America and adjusting slowly! Just wanted to thank you all
for praying for us and financially helping us get home… still a little
jet-lagged, but we found a “manageable” (four teen-agers to one
bathroom) house on the east side of Colorado Springs, and are very
excited as we became very close in Africa!

are not sure how long the Lord will have us here, but we do know we are
in His perfect plan.

It’s an amazing adjustment from Africa to America
– how fast your food comes when you order at a restaurant and how much
food they bring you!

Driving on the “Right” side of the road –
literally the first day was like being taken up in a whirlwind with the
busyness of life here!

is on a basketball team and had many games; Tyler, with his broken jaw,
is working at Salsa Brava restaurant, on a rugby team and working out
the best he can with a football team. Michael was invited to play
spring football with is old team and had his first two games and the
girls are both looking for summer jobs and have very busy social lives…
all in a few days!

Thank God Noah is only 5!

are still praying for a miracle for Lisa’s health and have doctor
appointments lined up. She is just so happy to have doctors that speak
the same language give us advice! We will keep you updated on what they
recommend, we are still believing for healing as it had been a very
hard season for her.

support has come pouring in and we are so thankful for your response!
We need a couple more one-time gifts and need to raise our monthly
support by just a bit to keep moving strong.

am looking for a consulting job, or contract work to supplement our
income, (NO MULTI-LEVEL PLEASE), so if you know of anything that I
could do, please let me know ASAP! I have been the Vice-President and
President of Sales for large telecom companies managing 350 sales
people at a time, and have a great deal of experience in leadership
development, international business and marketing.

heart and lifelong passion would be to minister in churches, sharing
the vision of Africa and what the Lord is saying to the Church
world-wide. Right now, they have me scheduled for four international trips
over the next three months training missionaries, establishing G42
Church planting
sites and our Swaziland Vision trip in June… so, we
need to continue raising personal support, creating wealth for our
projects and bringing “Kingdom” to the market place.

As you pray for us and since anything, please do not hesitate to call or email.

If you would like to give monthly or a one-time gift, hit
the Support Me! link to the left. And/or if you know of any opportunities
for creating wealth, please let us know. Thank you, again and again,
for your faithfulness and friendship – looking forward to catching up
on your journey.

4 responses to “Back in America!”

  1. “Be still and listen to your heart, for while the world tries to fill your head with noise, God continues to whisper”!

  2. I love you and your family and will continue to pray for you all every day. Thank you for your example.

  3. It’s already been way too long. Love yall!! Miss yall!! Prayin for ya!!! Blessings!!!

  4. Wow welcome back. I am praying for lisa, if fact, I am putting it on my myspace and emailing my friends and Family.
