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My wife asked me a question last night that stumped me…

“Who do you know that is truly happy?”

I responded, “You
mean, who do I know that has joy? Like Galatians 5:22 joy, a fruit of
the spirit? Love produces joy, joy produces peace, the fruit of peace
is patience, the fruit of learning the patience of God is kindness,
kindness leads to goodness (being good all the time to people), the
fruit of goodness is faithfulness, the fruit of faithfulness is
gentleness and gentleness leads to the maturity and fullness of
self-control.” (I only know a couple people in my life that have actually
climbed the mountain of the Fruit of the Spirit, and walk in most or
all of them consistently. My mother is one for sure!)

“No,” she said. “Who do you know that is really happy”?!

So, of course I asked her, cautiously, “Are you happy?”

why I am asking. I am happy.” (What else is she going to tell me?).

mean, my kids are healthy and my husband is desperately in love with

“It is a very hard life, I miss my family and my friends, but I/we
are living a dream, and I am using the gifts God gave me almost
everyday. Yes, I am very happy!”

not sure I know how to be “truly” happy. I am always looking for the
next thing. Always wanting to preach there, have more money, or have
whatever it is I am doing bigger.

I guess like everything else in life, happiness is a choice.

Can I ask you to hit the button below and tell me if you are happy and why?

18 responses to “Are you happy?”

  1. Yes I am truly happy. I was in a verbally abusive relationship for 16 years. No one knew! It was my secret and I was too embarrased to share it. My family was clueless when I said I was getting a divorce and the reasons why. It altered my whole life, thoughts and relationships with others. It consumed. But Thank God I got out and that is why I’m truly happy!!! I have been delivered and am a knew person. I never knew life could be so wonderful. Also, through it all I have learned no one (especially women) should be belittled and talked down too.

  2. That’s a complicated question. We are not happy because we are not with you right now.But, we are happy just because we know you.

    The Lord told me to tell you that He wants you to come to our final debrief. All 8 of you. 😉

    Treat those September Racers well! We know you will.

    Love you guys!


    Life is very big, lonely at times and money is tight but……..
    The Lord is active and available
    He comes through for us every time
    My kids know him
    We all have our health
    Friends and family are always around

    yes I wake up everyday and I can say I am truly happy and I smile with great anticipation of the gifts of the day big and small. Their are things I think I need but I know He will supply them in His perfect timing and only when He knows I’m ready.

    Thank You Jesus

  4. Deeply happy, despite major difficulties on many fronts and watching almost everyone I love struggling with their own difficulties as well.

    Learning that God is in the midst of it all.

    Enjoying conversation with Him about the question of “what’s next.” Hungry for it, but not at the expense of losing today’s gifts.

    And utterly astonished I can feel such happiness, so glad to be me, here and now.

    He is good, and His mercy endures forever!

  5. Wow, thats a good question. I would have to say no. I mean I in a place of being content with where God has me, but I can’t say that I am truly happy.

  6. I can see the love and happiness in Lisa, you and the kids. If we pray for the fruits of the spirit, God gives them to us. The joy of the spirit keeps us happy, and gives us happiness and peace forever. The outside emotion of happiness goes up and down. Thank God for his pure love that pours over us. Love Mom

  7. I’m with you, Gary… always looking for the next thing. Trying to learn to be content, though, while having a holy discontent for this world and waiting to see more redemption.

  8. In the practical things of life, love, finance, friends etc. I am overwhelmed by the good life and very happy.. In the life of the kingdom, I remain, perplexed, concerned, and full of questions.. you guys are an inspiration and I am pruod to know you.. you help me with the need to be stretched.. challenged.. and I feel a part of something eternal

  9. Some great thinker once said something like this.

    “troubles are inevitable, Happiness is a choice”

    Let that sink in for a moment!

  10. Yes very happy! Life deals us all sorts of different twists, however God being in the middle of our life circumstances gives contentment a whole new meaning, which in return bring ture joy and happiness. I have healthy kids, an awesome husband who loves me, his kids and God with all his heart. But mostly I have a heavenly father who thinks I am the bomb and has his hands on my families every move, HE is amazing! I don’t think true “Happiness” is attainable without Jesus!

  11. I am in the struggle of walking fully alive each and every day of my life and each and every day of my life that looks different. When I can walk fully alive in whatever I am doing embracing every situation that comes before me I am happy. I am happy today and am looking for that constant kingdom happiness of choosing each and every day.

    Blessings with Love and THANKFULNESS!!!

  12. I hope not to confuse being happy with being grateful, but there isn’t enough room in this blog for everything I could say about either. Gary and Lisa, I am very happy that my daughter went on the world race, came fully alive in Christ and met the man of her dreams (#11 above). We can’t wait to see you both with your family at the wedding!

  13. So I don’t know if I can answer that. I mean when do you know that you are more happy than not. Yes I have had time where I have been happy but also where I haven’t been. I guess I don’t know what true happiness looks like. What is feels like. Or how to achieve it. I want to be able to say yes I am happy but I don’t feel that I can.

  14. I would be really really happy if my husband did not post pictures of me looking worn out and tired,
    happy, and vain,
    your wife

  15. I just finished typing an email to you guys that said, “I’m happy but not comfortable…” I am happy because my Father loves me and I know that He with me (and I know that these two truths will never change). I know the promises He has given me, and I know they will be brought to fulfillment (though probably not how I imagine it…) Doubt and discouragement come sometimes, but they are fleeting, BUT our God is steadfast. Blessings!

  16. I am happy…relatively i suppose.

    I have a huge itch to get out and live to my potential again in Christ for sure.

    It ain’t the same back here in boringland after you’ve had the ride of a lifetime on the world race…i’ll tell ya that much!

  17. Yes, I would have to say that I am happy. That doesn’t mean that I am not sometimes dissapointed, or even angry. I am often heartbroken – like this morning when we heard about all of the drama of the weekend. I still struggle daily with God’s will vs. my will, and unmet expectations. But there is a current that runs underneath it all, when I stop and look past all of those superficial things, that is full of peace and the knowledge of God’s pleasure in me. That is consitent despite all of the other things, and that makes me truely happy. All I need to do is stop and remember that one thing and all the other stuff is, at least for that moment, irrelevant.

  18. No. I am not truly happy, because I feel I have been called into ministry, but many things prevent that, my home life, wife, and so forth. There is my true answer.