
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Here are some great questions from one of our World racers; they are in the Philippines right now, getting ready to fly up to Hong Kong… they have been living in the dumps of Manila these past three weeks and have encountered all kinds of sickness in others and sickness on their teams. I have answered this a bit scripturally and will dig into it more while with them in Hong Kong; but… I would love to hear your response to these questions – what do you believe? 

I have a question for you that I have been chewing on for some time now.  Some of my teammates have been wondering the same thing….

My question:
So, you told us that all Satan has against us are words.  (which I believe), If that is the case, then how can sickness be a form of spiritual attack/warfare?  I guess this question goes for various spirits that attach themselves to us….Im just trying to figure out if all he has are words…how are these forms of spiritual warfare possible?  And if the Spirit of Christ is IN us, then how can a spirit of darkness attach itself to us if we have Christ in us?  Im just reminded of the all the scriptures that reference things like good trees can’t bear bad fruit, light can’t mix with darkness….etc.  So how can the Spirit of Christ (i.e. good fruit and light) be in us along with various evil spirits that attach to us (i.e. darkness and bad fruit).  Maybe Im just taking it too deep…but I have been thinking about it a lot lately.

IN Christ,

Looking forward to your correspondence…