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would like to take the opportunity to clear up and personally apologize
for the misunderstanding and confusion on the blogs (Silenced: When tragedy hits and Don’t forget me: Update on Swazi baby) pertaining to the four
week-old baby. There were SMS messages sent and were interpreted incorrectly
and caused the confusion.

is always key and needs to be upheld in every circumstance and area of
life. As all of you know I love and protect Swazi’s, and I never want
to make anything sound better or worse than how it is actually in
reality to their lives.

Please conintue to pray for this baby and all the trials these people face.

Thank you,

2 responses to “Apology”

  1. I believe this has been addressed over the weekend and cleared up. I am sure that when dealing with specific instances that happen across the globe, misinterpretation of exact circumstance can and will happen.

    The fact is that men, women and children are dying every hour. I trust that you would never intentionally “add to or take away” from a circumstance. There is no need to. The reality of these horrible situations speak for themselves.

    My family and I sincerely appreciate you being a man of action and a mouthpiece for many. Keep up the good work!

    The Vann’s
    Alabama, USA

  2. Gary – well said and well done ! The truth is more than stark enough . May God have pity on us all . xo A.