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Easter Sunday 2008, G42’s first African Church Plant!

As you know, our goals when we moved here were to learn God’s heart through the eyes of an orphan, watch our kids get an inheritance of Africa from the Lord, find local families that wanted to bring “Kingdom” back to Swaziland and establish a training center/Church.
We now have a “Sending Center” to mobilize thousands all over Africa.

I’m not sure if you have ever planted a church, but it is a grueling task! We set up a 500 seat tent the week before and start having “Revival” services every night.

A few days ago, I had to buy a cow to feed the whole community (one cow can feed up to 500 people here as they eat the whole thing). I met the Chief, walked about 3K out into the bush and sat down on the ground.

A man came out of his hut, and we began the negotiations… we settled on E2400 for his big bull cow, ($300); Seth Jr and Aaron had to walk the cow about 10k in the 90 some degree weather and then began the cooking process.

Let me just say this: you don’t want all the details, but none of us will ever be the same!

Andrew and Mo Shearman flew in to dedicate the Church and ordain Pastor Gift as a G42 pastor, and the rains came. We drove down to Nsoko on Sunday morning and the torrential down pour started!

As we pulled up to the “Children’s Village” and our new G42 center, the mud was a foot deep. My kids, the World Racers, the locals were covered from head to toe in black thick African mud. The tent had caved in a bit, the sound system was wet, but, as the music started and the worship reached heaven, and God smiled on our work!

Two princes, brothers of the King of Swaziland were there, a number of Chiefs from the surrounding area and over 400 of the community. We worshiped, we danced, we ordained Gift, Andrew preached and the Lord showed up.

As we were eating after the 5 hour service – one of the princes stood up and said, “This church and what these people are doing will be blessed by the king, and by God.

We have not had rain in many months, and with todays down pour, we know God is very happy with what has happen here”!

Planting a Church with my family, the World racers, Andrew and Mo and the African’s we have come to love and respect – I guess it’s just another day at the office with many more to come!

8 responses to “Another day at the office!”

  1. I have my hands raised in praise! GLORY! What a day that must have been! Keep up the fight, brother, Heaven will be worth it all!

    Please give that sweet Tyler a hug from Mrs. Lorie!

  2. it’s amazing that what many of us would have considered a curse, having the rain fall on such a special moment, turned out to be God showing the people that He is there!! i love it!

  3. That is AWESOME Gary! God Bless the work of the church and the growth of the Kingdom in Nsoko

  4. Awesome to hear what’s happening with Nsoko. I’m praying for you all and hope to see you when you get back to the US. You always have a place to stay in San Diego. (we are right by the beach!) God is doing great things!