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I am going to highlight one of my amazing kids this week with the blog. They
have been asking to do this for a while, and I’m giving them total artistic freedom, so you may see some more Black kid blogs up here soon

Enjoy the first part of Alexis’ blog today.

World Race 2007, My extended family

By Alexis Black

been doing great in Africa. I met this girl Becca that goes out to this
high school called “Nwane Central” to do a Bible study with the girls.
I feel fully alive speaking into these girls’ lives, and I haven’t even
begun my journey! I can’t help but remember the months the World Racers
were here, though!

May, we were at a Braai at Jumbo and Kriek’s house. We heard that one
of the World Racers was with Collin and Kathy. His name was Andrew
. He became a member of the Black Tribe immediately. He made us
muffins, freshly squeezed orange juice, and Kettle Corn. We also played
games like Clue and Careers. Then my older sister Hannah Chynoweth and
Talia Barnes came to a dinner. That’s when they all started to come in.

like my mother, have a passion for young women’s counseling. When I
heard my mom was doing debriefing for the World Race girls, I flipped
out. I asked to help with it so I could learn from my mom by listening
to her speak into other girls’ lives. She loved that idea.

So the girls
began to flood in early Tuesday morning. I sat with a few just to hang
out. I met Becca, Emilie, Candice, and Katie right off the bat. They
were great I immediately began to fall in love with these girls. I
finally went into a session with my

mom and met Erin McKenna, which
became another sister of mine. I realized these next few months where
going to be super fun!

really connected with girls called to Thailand. Jenny Willis was one of
them. We sat together and shared each others heart for the girls. I
fell in love with Jenny.

She is in Thailand right now, doing great.
Erin emailed me and, said Jenny is so awesome and her heart is so there.
I keep praying for you Jenny!

are so many memories… I’m trying to narrow it down. I stayed with a
group in Nsoko for 5 days with Andrew, Candice, Emilie, Morgan, Eric, etc. That was

We went to care points and gave out grapefruits while listening
to the same JAZZ track over and over again. Candice made really yummy
Macaroni and cheese and the best pasta salad I’ve ever had!

Read more from Alexis tomorrow…

5 responses to “Alexis Noelle”

  1. Alexis, You look so great. We were so proud to hear of all your service your doing, in the Lord. God is giving you so many kingdom friends, that will mean so much to you all of your life. Keep up the good work. Love you so much Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Lexy, I love you girl! Thats right the best pasta salad you ever had!
    Im missing you like crazy and cant wait to see you again!

  3. Miss you women of God. You are awesome and the Lord is going to send you into the nations, look its already happened with you in Swazi. Huge hugs from Thailand.