
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Many of you who have requested a support letter will be getting one with details via snail mail in the next couple days.

Life is moving quick since we have been back in the US!

I have had some requests lately from people that want to join our support team. Many of you, in fact, already support us monthly or support our projects in Africa. Of course, we have made that very easy – to support the BlackTribe, click the button on the left (or here – “Support Me”) and follow the easy instructions. To support our Children’s Village in Nsoko and for Pastor Gift and staff – click “Give to the Nsoko project” under “links” on the left.

My heart about living on support and allowing people to invest in my family monthly has changed. Lisa and I struggled with it the whole time we have lived on support, and then the Lord really rebuked me through a very good friend that gently showed me where I was wrong.

There are many people that are called to support missionaries, and when they do out of obedience, it can actually produce faith and empowerment. If the Lord is telling you to support our work and my family on a monthly or even one-time basis, or another person’s work – it activates an agreement in the spirit realm for me/them to pray into your life.

I believe it actually activates a covenantal agreement and authority is given; we can see miracles take place together. I am experiencing this take place on a weekly basis since I repented of my attitude and pressed in – it is happening!

The example in scripture would be Numbers 18 – The idea was to sow into the Levites, and they would stand in as priests on behalf of the people.

It puts a great responsibility on those of us that are required to live this way. We must stand in the gap to pray and speak into the lives of those that give.

I also have a couple supporters that want to create wealth around my family so we can be free to travel and continue investing in the lives of orphans, the next generation and being free to not worry every month how we are going to pay the bills! (More on this later…)

Lisa goes into surgery TODAY – please pray for the doctors and a speedy recovery – she is the foundation of our family!

If everything goes as the doctors say it should, I will be headed over to Swaziland, Africa on Monday.

We have 16 of us going – pray for the trip and that people would catch a huge vision for Nsoko and what we are doing there.

July is Chad and Erin’s wedding and a World Race debrief in Nicaragua; August we are training the largest World Race team yet down in Georgia, doing a wedding in CA and August 22-23 is the first G42 (see website here) summit here in Colorado Springs.

Continued tomorrow…

13 responses to “Agreement – miracles and Lisa’s Surgery”

  1. Gary/Lisa
    Praying for health and a successful surgery.. We are blessed to be a part of the Lord’s ministry through you guys.. and I like knowing you go before the Lord on our behalf…

  2. Pastor Joseph – it is a pleasure to go to Throne for your amazing gang down there in the south! Bless the work of your hands today!!

  3. Gary and Lisa,
    We’re praying for a miracle today and that the results of the surgery will be exceptional and allow you to travel to Africa next week.
    Love to the Blacks,

  4. Praying for Lisa! Where in Cali are you going to be? I would love to see you guys. Praying for your trip as well and Nsoko!