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Remember my post, Living a Luke 10 and 18 Lifestyle? Here’s a blog from Chad Mast, a World Racer who just returned from two years of traveling the world. He and Chris Telfer took off on a Luke 10 adventure to grow their faith and find out what God had in store for them:

“After these things the Lord
appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face
into every city and place where He Himself was about to go.” -Luke 10:1

Chris said, “I think that we should
make this next camping trip a Luke 10 adventure.” What Chris meant by
that statement was to follow what the disciples did when Jesus sent
them out; go two by two and take nothing with you.

We took that to mean, take not tents
or food. Our contact had asked us to prayer walk through some local
towns, and this town was about as remote as you get. Our previous two
camping trips consisted of 15-30 degree weather with the occasional
snow flake.

We set out on our adventure and asked
the Lord to go before us and open the doors that He wanted for us. We
arrived in the town and a little child stood before us near his father.
We could feel that the Lord was with this child as he scurried into a
restaurant. We followed and sat next to a group of local men who spoke
a Tibetan dialect.

I took out my bible in the restaurant
and began reading Luke 10. I told the group that we were looking for
the man of peace in town. I could feel that the Lord wanted us in this
restaurant as I kept hearing, “Stay here.”

The next thing I knew we
befriended the group of guys, and we were on the back of their
motorcycles riding through the mountains of China. I sat on the back of the motorcycle
as Chris went flying by me with his video camera out. I praised God as we
rode into the mountains, because we had no idea what we were doing or
where we were going.

We pulled up to a house, and one
of the locals escorted us into his parents’ house. We shook the hands
of his father and put our stuff down in an open room of the house. We
couldn’t believe what was happening. After we set our stuff down our
new friends asked us to come pray with them at the temple. We shouted
for joy and gladly accepted.

Our friends led us through the valley
and across a stream to the local Buddhist monastery. When we arrived,
the doors were locked and our friends showed us that we couldn’t get
in. Then, out of nowhere, two monks came with the keys to the monastery
and led us through the entire place. We prayed and worshiped through
the entire adventure.

From there, our friends took us up on
a mountain ridge that overlooked the entire valley. We stood at an
elevation of about 12,000 feet, revering the God that we serve. Huge
mountainous peaks surround us from every angle as the sun plummeted behind
us. We all smiled at one another as the adventure continued. When we arrived back at the house, our
friends took us into their parents’ room as food was being prepared. We
sat down around a stove as they served tea and soup to us. We conversed
as best we could through charades and one of our brothers who new some
Chinese. We again blessed our Father and ate what was put before us.

When dinner was over, our friends took
us into our bedroom and began to play a little local music on a small
guitar. After he was finished, he gave the guitar to Chris, and he began
to worship the living God. Our friends shouted with joy as we danced
around the room. We couldn’t believe what was happening.

we finished worshiping, our friends insisted on tucking us into our bed
that they had prepared. Five grown men piled into a heated bed with
huge blankets covering our every side. We sat and laughed together as
our friends just looked on with amazement. I took out my Bible and read
Luke 10. We found out that the Lord had provided every single part of
what the disciples experienced, except a healing (which happened at the
end where our contact was healed from his cough). A window opened, and
our contact shared the Gospel in what Chinese he knew. The four of us
prayed while the Spirit did the work.

In the morning, we ate breakfast
prepared by our friends and fellowshipped together. We laughed and
drank yak milk together. After breakfast, we decided to climb the
mountain peak behind us and thank the Lord for what He had done as well
as to send more workers into China. After ascending the mountain peak, I
stood next to some idol prayer flags and proclaimed the freedom of
Jesus Christ over the valley. The Lord had guided us to a town in the
middle of China, and He wanted His presence to reign. We brought that
presence and proclaimed the Freedom that only Jesus can proclaim.

I stood with my arms pointed to the
sky thanking the Lord for the life that I live, and I realized at that
moment how much I need my Father and how much I can not live without
Him. I realized that I was born for the radical and that I was born to
set captives free from the bondages of the world. I realized how madly
in love I was with the Creator of the World. I realized that my life
was Luke 10, and I never wanted it to be any different.

To read other stories like this, visit Wrecked for the Ordinary, an online magazine for those who really want to live fully alive.