
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m sitting about two hours south of

Durban, SA

at a Mugg and Bean, right on the beach. An ’06 World Racer gave us a place for the week down here. It is unreal – dolphins and whales swimming right by us this morning. Today, I wanted to share this challenge from Jeff Goins’ blog:

This year, over 100 Christ-followers, disenchanted with the Church,
left the comfort of their homes and possessions in search of the
abundant life of faith and adventure – a life that Jesus talked about,
a life that the early church modeled, a life that more and more young
people are yearning to realize.

These travelers have embarked on an eleven-month pilgrimage
we call the World Race. With nothing but a backpack, they live simply,
traveling from place to place in hopes of discovering a faith that is authentic and real.

in intimate community with one another, they work with local ministries
to serve the poor – the widow, the orphan, the outcast.

are the forerunners of their generation, calling thousands to follow
them in a Matthew 10 model of discipleship. They have left everything for the sake of the gospel.

of young people are catching the vision that church can be
different – that the kingdom is, indeed, within us. They can actually

be church.

The World Race is a picture of
true community, faith, and freedom lived out in the fellowship of
fellow believers, a call to action for those of us who have been guilty of
watering down the costliness of being a disciple and ignoring the call
to be “salt” and “light.”

It’s inspiring to see these young Racers – their passion for the Gospel, they devotion to the Lord. So, who wants to join them? Are we ready to be

offended by Christ? Share this with others and help mobilize the next generation of leaders!

“Live it.”