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In yesterday’s blog I shared more of Andrew Shearman‘s revelation of the 42nd Generation and what it practically means for the Jesus-follower. I continue it below:

Many of the Israelites did not believe God and so they died in the wilderness. They preferred the comfort zone of the wilderness to the risk of growing up and getting an inheritance.

The wilderness had no great stresses; they had survival on their minds, not inheritance. Churches, people, and nations need to decide to wander more or go to inheritance. The winter is over and we need to believe it.

God is calling some of us to take our inheritance seriously. To be a Christian is more than having your sins forgiven and going to heaven. To be a Christian is the greatest calling in the world. Isaiah 9 talks about the increase of his government and his peace. There will be no end. That’s our inheritance. Daniel 2:44 says, “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.” It’s an inheritance that God gives the 42nd generation – the generation that purposes to cross over the Jordan into the Promised Land.

In the past this hasn’t happened. The world has not seen a 42nd generation. David set a high standard, but Saul made it decline. The generation of Christ, the 42nd generation, will establish his kingdom and will literally be multi-generations of Christ. This is not some kind of nebulous dream. It is going to happen.

Christ wants to form a body in this world to rule and reign in this life. The glory of the Lord will cover the earth.

The condition of the world does not mean that Christ cannot conquer it. God’s days begin in night and end in day. We can go across the Jordan if we are willing to have Christ formed in us. The 42nd generation is the one that goes from Jesus, Son of Man, to Jesus Son of God, the Christ. I believe that generation is alive on the earth today. Are you a part of it?