
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Not sure how communication and getting blogs out will be the next few months, I know it will be sporadic…

The D-Team of the World Race
is showing up today! Tyler, my 16 year old, was at the airport trying
to find them for 6 hours last night – he sent me a text at 10:30, I
FOUND THEM! They have been on the race for months now and are coming
out of the China leg… they are excited to pour into Africa the next 3
months. We are excited to debrief them, train them, but mostly just sit
around our huge kitchen table and do life together. Tyler and Alexis
will be leading a team of them to Mozambique to help with flood victims
and orphanages, the rest of them will stay here with us or be in Cape
Town. This is really what life is about for our family, we are pumped.

Three of my covenant brothers also arrived today! Pastor Mike Paschall from Texas, Tom Davis from CHC
and Brett Irwin…

Tom has brought 20 some CEO’s, pastors and authors
from the states to check out everything going on here.

Mike brought me
a new staff member from his church and Brett is one of the very best
guys in the world! (This is Tom and Brett on their last trip here enjoying some African meat)!

Lastly, we have four AIM
teams here at the same time – we had to bring the Kenya teams down as
it is too dangerous to have them up there and our regular teams that
planned on coming to Swazi. We had 45 over for a good old American
cook-out Wednesday night, burgers, beans and chips!

will be fully-alive the next few months, insanely busy, but this is
what it is all about… I will do my best to keep you updated… please
pray for the 100 + that are here with us… crime against tourists has
gone way up, but none of our people have been targeted for a while
because of prayer!