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From the World Race Prayers page. Please lift up this special need and contribute if you can!

Our “3-in-Need
fund-raising campaign ends today at midnight. So far, it has raised
$1,555 total. Thank you to all who have made contributions. We
still have yet to meet our goal of $5500 in order for these
missionaries to stay out on the field! Please blog this and/or email to
anyone you know that could help. As always, we need your prayers.

Brooke, Silas and
Christy have each received $518.33 in their support accounts. You can make final donations to the World Race Fund by clicking here and designating “3-in-Need” in the “For” spot. You can read more about it here.

When asked, “Why do you want to finish the race?” These three Racers said…

“I want to do what God wants me to do. If God wants me to finish the
Race then I believe that He will provide the money. Money is no object
to Him and I do believe that He is testing my faith. But, if I was
going to give up I would have in January. At this point, I believe God
is working wonders in my life and changing me to become more like the
person He wants me to be. In that respect, I believe I have a long way
to go and being on the Race helps Him mold me.”

Christy Linhart – Http://

want to finish the race because I know that the Lord is still working
on me. I know that I am not done learning from this experience. God has
been so faithful in providing for me thus far and also in just
revealing more of who He is through the ministries we do and the people
we are able to meet. God just shows up all the time and does the
greatest things. Just yesterday, a taxi driver we had met earlier in
the week came to know the Lord because of us riding in his taxi. How
awesome is our God!?”

Brooke Witt – Http://

have been blessed to have the chance to be a part of so many amazing
ministries. God is really teaching me that you can be Jesus any where
you go, all you have to be willing to do is listen to his voice. I
would love to be able to stay on this journey, and see where God will take me in the next eight months.”

Silas Watkins –



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